to camp just a few minutes before I did
and famed the native woman just
leaving camp. She had with her a heavy
woolen shirt-wasit that she had brought
from home. She told Galle that she was
going to the mountains inland, of
course he told her to remain at camp. She
also stated to Galle that she would not go
to the other camp again for she was at
last convinced that Crawford did not
"want her". Blowing all day but now, 7 P.M.
X Clear, cold, and calm.
Max 0.5
Min - 10.0
Galle and I decided last night to start a
daylight saving system so we set our clocks
accordingly. But we set them the wrong way
and got up at noon. Galle set out a few
more traps and I hitched up the dogs and
took a few things to the other camp that I had
forgotten the last trip. Maurer found the skeleton
of a large walrus East of their camp but he said
that the bones were picked clean, and not worth
while for dog feed. They have not seen a fresh fox
track for several days and no bear tracks. [Crawford, Allan R., 1901-1923|[Crawford]],
several days ago, lost a trap as the dead man
did not hold. Both Crawford and Maurer have
several traps out apiece. The open water comes
into the beach at their camp and altho they have
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