warm & cloudy with strong breeze
from the East (which seems to
be the prevailing wind.) Tomorrow
we are going to get things ready for
the trapping camp, for we are loosing
a great deal of valuable time.
Max 28.4
Min 24.5
Galle to his traps. Nothing in them.
The rest of us hauled ice & cut wood and
worked on stores for trapping camp.
A fox came into camp this evening
and was caught & killed by a dog.
The seamstress has not eaten anything
today and refuses to say a word.
The snow on our stormshed is melt-
ing and a heavy fall of sleet has
been falling all day. Very warm
cloudy & light gale from the East
Max 30.0
Min 24.4
All ready to start with trapping outfit.
Will start early in morning to be at
camp site by day break. Galle did not
go to traps today. Very warm & sleeting
all day. Breeze from South. Cloudy
18} Max 33.0
Min 30.6
Left camp at 6:15 a.m and traveled East
for three hours thru heavy soft snow.
Maurer, Crawford & G. Reached a small
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