On board schooner Silver Wave about
100 miles S. East of Wrangle Is.
Will begin my diary today. Every thing pro-
gressing finly and making wonderful time. Have
not seen a cake of ice so far. Dogs in rather
poor shape but will do my best to get them in
good condition when we reach the island. The
season is getting late and a good many things
must be done before the freeze up as we are
anxious to get started with our work. Galle has
been sea sick and is in a weakened condition
so can not expect a great deal of work from
him for a few days. The wind is blowing a
strong breeze from the S.E. and we may not be
able to land at Roger's Harbor so will try and
land on the N. E. corner of the island. 11 30 P.M.
Crawford just sighted Wrangle Is. distance prob-
ably 60 or 70 miles. Will be there some time tonight
Because of a strong breeze with a heavy
swell from the S.W. we were forced to heave
to for the night. Wrangle Is. was obscured
by a heavy bank of fog but we Know that we
are with in 25 or 30 miles of it. Galle feeling
Started at 9 A. M. in direction of the Island
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