Albert Newlove WWI Letters

This collection includes 49 letters and postcards written by Albert W. Newlove to his parents in Arroyo Grande, California. In his letters, Newlove describes military life, sailing to Europe, the French countryside, his eagerness for battle, and observations of German prisoners. Newlove enlisted with the U.S. Marine Corps in early 1918, and trained at Mare Island, California. He was assigned to the 2nd Marine Division (5th Regiment, 17th Company) and fought on the Western Front in France. In October 1918, Newlove was stricken with influenza and recuperated in a hospital near Bordeaux. Upon return to duty he was assigned to serve in the Army of Occupation stationed in the vicinity of Neuwied, Germany. Once discharged Newlove returned to San Luis Obispo County.




Feb 27, 1918

Dear mother: -

I just got back from the ball game with my eyes full of real estate. The wind is blowing about 40 miles an hour. The game got monotonous so I beat it back to my tent.

Santa Clara and the Navy Teams were playing. S.C. was in the lead by a wide margin when I left. Have had some pretty stiff drills the last few days. We have a run every morning before chow of about a mile. It sure gets your

Last edit almost 5 years ago by kalineke


wind at first. Will soon get toughened up to it though. After chow we take 20 or 30 minutes of Swedish and then we get several hours of drilling before dinner. We only get 3 or 4 hrs work every day. I like it fine so far. Will soon be out of detention. Will be out on the fourth day of March and on the following Saturday will get two days leave. Every Saturday we get two days off and on every pay day we get three days. It will be along about the first of April or later before I can get to come home. Think I will go to Frisco the Sat. after we get out of detention. Signed up for my pay roll tonight and I have sixteen dollars and eighty-nine cents coming for this months wages starting from the eleventh. Think I will take out a life insurance policy for $10,000. Don't you think it would be a good plan? Would cost me six dollars and twenty cents every month. Am getting alone fine in doing my washing. Am some washwomen. Don't need any

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gowns here. Am going to send them home in the suit case with my suit. Don't send any woolen socks or underwear as I have plenty. Would rather you wouldn't send the sweater either as I can't use two of them. Will tell you what to send later when I am out of detention as I can't go down to the post office until I am out. Letters are the only mail that they give out in camp and you have to go in person to the post office to get any parcels. George Wood has been sick in bed all day.

Don't know just what is

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the matter with him. Rec'd the letter from Carrie and have answered it already. Also got a letter from Louis Williams.

He is at Fort Niagara New York and he is skinning mules and is in charge of the stables.

He said they had another blizzard there a few days ago and just as soon as the war was over he was going to beat it back to sunny California. Well I hope all of the invalids are getting along good and will soon get well. Am feeling pretty good myself. Well I am getting sleepy so guess

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I will turn in and get a good sleep and be ready for tomorrows work. Answer soon.

Love to all of you.

Your loving son,

Albert Newlove

U.S. Marine Corp.

Co F. Sec I

Mare Island, Vallejo, Cal.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by California State Library
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