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Alexander and Dindimus, King of the Brahmans. 77

saw na son And oute of the elude that hange abown than ther
fell as it hadd bene grete fyrebrandes the whilk brynt many of
thaire tenttis and of thaire luges. And onane Alexander offred
4 sacrafice till his goddes and bad his knyghtis put aide ryuen
clathes wate bi-fore the fire, and he made his prayere. And also
son the whedir wexe clere & faire.

¹ Fra thethin, puj remowed" and come titt a grete ryuere J^at offers sacri-

8 es called" Ganges & fare f)ay luged J^am). And as J'ay luked" his^gods
ouer on the tobe?* syde, bay saw twa or thre men) walke up & and the


downn) ]:»are. And Alexander baddT his men) spirre J^aiiO in pe becomes
langage of Inde what Ipej ware. And lpa.j ansuered" & said". Thev come

12 'We are Bragmayns/ quo]) bay. Alexander hadd" grete desyre to the

. -r. , 1 Ganges, on

to speke wit pe Bragmayns. Bot lie my^te no^te wynn) ouer the other

Ipe water ; it was so depe & so brade Bot if it had bene in J)e ^ya<^ are

monethe of July and Auguste. And also it was futt of ypotaynes the Brah-

i6 & scorpyones and cocadrilles, out taken) in Ipe forsaid" monethes. They can-

And when) he saw pat he myghte on na wyse wynn) ouer he was because of

reite heuy. And belyfe he garte make a lyttitt bate of redis, & tiie danger-
,. . ,iiTft 1 T ^ 'J 11,1 ., -n ous beasts.

couerde it wit nowtte hydis & gerte pykk it wele bathe wet-m & He sends a

20 wit-owtten). And when) pe bate was made, he gert a knyght of ^^^^J^t

his gang in-to it, and gaffe hym a lettre wit hym for to here boat with a

* to Dindimws, pat was kyng of pe Bragmayns, of whilk le^^re Jjis *Leaf 32.

was be tenot^r. 1^!^*^,^.*^

' Dmdimus,

24 ^ ' Kyng of kynges and lorde of lorde^, Alexanc^er pe son) of king of the

godd" AmofD & of pe queue Olympias, vn-to Dindimz^s kyng Alex-°^^

of Bragmayns, ioy. Euer sen) we were comen) to ]?at age J)at ander's

we couthe discerne by-twix gud & itt we hafe desyred? soueraynly Dindimus,

28 for to hafe wysdomwe & konnyng, & for to putt away fra Bra^hmans

vs ignorance & vnconnynge. For as pe wise techynge of oure *h® reason

philosophres declares opynly. Eloquence wit owttefD witt & wis- strange

dom) dose ofte-sythes mare skathe J^an) gude. parefore we hafe ^nce^he^'

22 wele vnderstanden) by relacion) of dyuerse mefD, pat 5owr lyfe & fain would

. pxii 1 learn wis-

50wr maners are diuisea and diuerge Ira att oper men) ; so pat dom of

noper on) pe See ne on J^e lande ^e seke na helpe and pat ^e * ®°^'

^eme anoj^er man ere of doctryne J^an) we hafe lerende of oure

36 doctowrs. Whare-fore we pray 50W pat 50 witt certyfye vs bi

jowr le^^res of ^owr lyffe and ^owr maners and ^our doctryne. For

^ Four lines with capital i*' and small/ ' Four lines with capital K in red,

written in the margin beside. and small k in the margin beside.

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