76 Strange beasts and fearful storms.
76 Strange Beasts and fearful storms.
als rugtie of hare as Tp&y hade bene bestes. Whase kynde &
custom it was als wele to be in the water, als on the lande. And
als sone als thay saw Alexander Oste onane thay fledd to tpe water,
and dowked in-till it. Fra theine thay traueld xv day iournee, 4
and entred in-till woddes that ware full of cynocephals, the
whilke als son als thay saw Alexander & his oste onane thay
assaillede tham. Bot Alexander & his men, what wit arowes
whate wit speres & nettes slew a grete multitude of tham, and
the remenaunt of tham fledd here and thare in the woddes.
¹Fra thethyn thay went fourty dayes & come in-till a champaynne
cuntree, that was all Barayne, and na hye place ne na
hilles myghte be sene on na syde. And as it ware aboute the xj 12
houre of the day, thare bigan so grete a wynde to blawe oute of
Este that it blew doune to the erthe all thaire tentis & thaire
luges. And thare was grete disese ymang the oste. For the
wynde tuk fire-brandes oute of fyres that thay hadd made, and 16
smate dyuerse men & brynte tham. And than Alexander
knyghtes mournurede gretly & said amanges tham, ' The wrethe
& the wreke of oure goddes,' quoth thay, ' falles apon vs, Bicause
we seke to ferre towarde pe son rysynge.' 'My wirchipfull 20
knyghtes,' quoth Alexander, ' bese * of gud comforthe and no
thyng ferde for this tempeste es noghtee fallen thurgh wrethe of
oure goddes bot be- cause of eqwinox of heruest.' When the
wynde was cessed thay gadirde to-gedir that the wynd hadd 24
² Fra theine thay went xxv days and come in-till a grene
valay, and thare thay luged tham. Than commanded Alexander
that thay schuld make many fyres. For it began for to be vn- 28
sufferable calde. And thare be-gan for to falle grete flawghtis of
snawe, as thay had bene grete lokkes of wolle. When Alex-
ander saw that, he was ferde that it schuld noghte hafe cessed
sone, and bad his men that thay suld tred doun the snawe & full 32
it wit thaire fete. And thaire fyres also helpe tham gretly. Neuer-the-lesse
thare ware fyve hundrethe of the Oste dedd thurgh that
snawe, the whilk Alexander gart bery. Than thare felle a pass-
and grete rayne, and the snaw cessed. Wit the rayne, also, thare 36
come so thikke a myste, that contenually three days to gedir thay
¹ Four lines with red capital F and
small f in margin beside.
² Four lines with red capital F and
small f in the margin beside.
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