


Status: Translated
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held in thy hand, and kept under thy feet, and trade thereon,
is the City of Tyre, the [whilk] thou shall win) through strength
and tread it with thy foot, and therefore be nothing abased.
When Alexander heard these words, he was greatly comforted,
and [umbethought him] on what ways he might get this
And then he * garte make another bastelle in the [see, grettere,
& hyere,] and stranger than the tother was. For it was here
that the highest tower of the city. And this bastelle was tied
with a hundred anchors. Than Alexander Great armored him
surely & well, & went by him and up upon this bastelle, and
bade all his men that they should make them ready for to fight
& to give assault to the city. And also as they saw him
enter into the city, they should all at once press to the walls,
and scale them, and climb over the walls boldly & win the
city. And when all men were ready, he [gerte smyte soundere the cabills] that the bastelle was tied with, & the walls of the see bare it to the walls of the City. And Alexander
[delyuerlye] start upon [the] walls, where Balan stood, and ran
upon him & slew him and kept him over the walls into
the dike of the city. And when the Macedoyns & the Greeks
saw Alexander enter into the city, they [schouffed] to the walls
all at once, and climbed over, some with ladders, some on other ways
without any resistence. For the Tyreyenes was so feared because of the dead of Balan, their duke, that they dare not turn against [ne defende] the walls. And in these ways was the
city taken and [doungen] down to the earth.
Fra the segge of Tyre Alexander & his men went to the citee 28
of Gaza and assailed it, & wit schorte while they wan it. And
Fra thethyn hyed hym towardez Jerusalem for to ensegge it.
^2 Qwhen the Bischoppe of the Jewes herde that Alexander
was commaund toward Jerusalem, he gert call bifore hym all 32
the Jewes that ware in the citee and talde tham the tythyngez that
ware talde hym. And sythen he commandid tham that thay
schuld com to the temple, and be thar in praynge Fastyngez
and wakynge & in sacrafice makyng un-to godd, bisekand hym 36
of helpe & scoure. And thay did soo. And on hte nyghte nexte

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