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2 revisions | MKMcCabe at Mar 22, 2023 08:51 PM 1129Phila. Inquirer
March 8,1918
Well-known Financier and
Publicist Urges Election
For Defeat of Huns' Demo-
cratic Home Rule, Prohibi-
tion and Suffrage
Wharton Barker, prominent Philadel-
phia financier and publicist, in a pub-
lic statement issued yesterday, called
upon citizens of Pennsylvania and the
Nation to adopt a "Declaration of Prin-
ciples" upon which the coming political
campaign shall be waged. He said:
"Citizens Ponder and act upon the
great issues now paramount and im-
perative. Your ballots can and should
secure and maintain public rights; use
hem as your intelligence dictates, and
machinations of politicians who would
be your masters will end. Publish your
declaration of principles, nominate your
candidates for all legistative, executive
and judicial offices, and you will have
an invincible organization of the peo-
ple, and politicians, tools of able and
unscrupulous combinations, will be pow-
erless and you will be free.
"I suggest for campaign of this year
the following declaration of principles:
"To secure government of, by and
for the people, the war must continue
until German autocrats and aggressions
are destroyed and restorations and com-
pensitions are made.
"To secure abolition of trespass upon
the rights of one people by other peo-
ples there must be an association of na-
tions to prevent trespass.
Democratic Home Rule Essential
"To secure freedom, justice and con-
equent growth and happiness within
nations, there must be democratic Home
"To secure equitable burden of taxa-
tion, direct, not indirect, taxes must
be imposed, and so taxes upon accu-
mulated wealth and earnings of all kinds
must be imposed.
"To secure maximum well-being, self-
respect and development, individual ef-
fort must be free from public hin-
drance, associations of individuals for
aggression upon common weal rights can-
not be tolerated, therefore, operations
that by nature or by law are monopo-
lies, must be public, not private monop-
"The political campaigns of this year
in the several States must be made upon
paramount issues. In Pennsylvania the
great issues are:
"1. We demand suffrage without re-
gard to sex.
"2. We demand an economic indus-
trial system that will facilitate the un-
limited production of all desirable forms
of wealth; so that mental and physical
workers will receive an adequate and
generous wage, with right, jealously
guarded, of unrestricted rational co-op-
eration thus recognizing that intelli-
gent labor applied to the varied boun-
ties of nature develops latent wealth.
The conflict between capital and labor
nust end, both must be free from dic-
tation and aggression: confiscation by
violence or chicanery cannot be toler-
For Constitutional Prohibition
"3. We demand that the distilling and
brewing and the licensing of the sale of
intoxicating liquors be abolished by Con-
stitutional prohibition. Stimulants more
dangerous than alcohol must be aban-
doned, either by individual determination
or by Constitutional prohibition.
"4. We demand the elevation and pu-
rification of our public and private life
through creation of and use of perma-
nent public interest organizations in ev-
ery voting precinct, founded and con-
ducted upon democratic principles, for
in no other way can there be regenera-
tion, reorganization and constant inter-
est in the discussion of all religious, so-
cial, economic and political problems.
A free people cannot and will Phila. Inquirer DECLARE PRINCIPLES, Well-known Financier and For Defeat of Huns' Demo- Wharton Barker, prominent Philadel- "Citizens Ponder and act upon the "I suggest for campaign of this year "To secure government of, by and "To secure abolition of trespass upon Democratic Home Rule Essential "To secure freedom, justice and con- "To secure equitable burden of taxa- "To secure maximum well-being, self- "The political campaigns of this year "1. We demand suffrage without re- "2. We demand an economic indus- For Constitutional Prohibition "3. We demand that the distilling and "4. We demand the elevation and pu- A free people cannot and will 1129beld. Irsurer
March 8,1418
Well-known Financier and
Publicist Urges Election
for Defeat of Huns Democratic Home Rule, Prohibi-
tion and Suffrage
WWharton Barker, prominent Philadel
hia financer and pablicist, in a pul-
hie statement issued yesterday, called
upon citizens of Pennavivania and the
ation to adopt a Declaration of Prin-
ciples upon which the coming political
campaian shall be waged. He said:
CitizensPonder and act upon the
reat issues now paramount and imerative. Voar ballots can and should
xure and maintain public rights; nse
hem as your intellience dietates, and
nachinations of politicians who would
e your masters will end. Publish vour
leclaration of principles. nominate rour
andidates for all legistative, executive
ind judicial offices, and you will have
in invincible organisation of the peo-
ole. and politicians, tools of able and
inscrupulous comtinations, will be pow.
erless and you will be free.
sugsest for campaign of this year
he following declaration of principles:
o secure government of by and
for the people, the war must continue
intil Cerman antoerats and aggressions
are destroved and restorations and com-
pensitions are made.
To secure abolition of trespass upon
he rights of one people by other peoles there must be an assocration of na-
tions to prevent trespass.
Demoeratic Home Rute Essential
To. secure freedom, justice and con-
equent growth and happiness within
there must be democratic Home
To secure equitable burden of taxa-
tion. direct, not indirect, taxes must
he imposed, and so taxes upon accu¬
mulated wealth and earnings of all kinds
must be imposed.
To secure maximum well-being, sell
respect and development. individual orort must be free from publie hin-
drance, associations of individuals for
AEPression upon common weal rights can-
not be tolerated, therefore, operations
that by nature or by law are monopo
lies, must be public, not private monop
The political campaigns of this year
in the several States must be made upon
paramount issues. In Pennsylvanis the
great issues are.
sard toWe
suffrase without re¬
2. We demand an economic indus=
rial system that will facilitate the un
limited production of all desirable forms
if wealth; so that mental and plysical
workers will receive an adequate and
generous wage, with right. jealously
guarded, of unrestricted rational coon
cration thus recogniring that intelli-
rent labor applied to the varied boun
cies of nature develops tatent wealth
The conflict between capital and laton
nust end, both must be free from dication and aggression: confiscation by
violence or chieanery cannot be toler.
For Constitutional Prehibition
We demand that the distilling and
browing and the licensing of the sale of
ntoxicating liquors be abolished by Contitutional prohibition. Srimulants more
langerous than alcohol must be aban
doned, either by individual determination
Constitutional prohibition.
1. We demand the elevation and i
rification of our, public and private life
hrough creation of and use of norma
rent pablic interest organizations in er
ery voling precinct, founded and con
ducted upon demoeratio principles. for
n no other way can there be regenern
ion. reorganization and constant inter-
est in the discussion of all religious. so
cral. economic and political problems.