


Status: Complete

you will have the glory, for you look very like a devil.
Just after this the parsons all shouted "Jesus Christ is
about to be made manifest", but I could not see this bit
as Mr Bentley came to me, and said. It was nearly 12 o'clock
and the roads were bad. So off we all went, and left the
fools. Monday. I got up late, and worked all day burning
stumps. Tuesday. Went to London. Slept there, and drove
home the following night, bringing with me a load of
flooring. Thursday. Took the horses, five and a half
miles to be shod to Adelaide. Shot some quails in the
evening. Friday. Farm work, the thermometer stood at
85 in the day and 65 at night, Saturday. Farm work
Shot a lot of blackbirds, and had them in a pie, Shot 25.
Sunday. Went to Katesville to Church. Drove the lot down
in the waggon. Monday. Farm work. Tuesday. Cutting
and housing Indian corn. Wednesday ditto. Thursday
ditto. Friday. Went to the blacksmiths to get horses mouth
burnt. He has the lampas. Went also to Strathroye to fetch
a load of bricks. Saturday. Went to farrier again to let him
look at the horse. Horse ran away with me. He only had a
halter on, so I could not manage him. I gave him his head
and let him run into the woods. He leaped over all the trees
etc, but no horse could easily unseat me now, let him jump

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