Letter from William Ford and Thomas J. Jones, 29 March 1891 [LE-42996]



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Ranana Ward Parowan Stake

President Woodruff and Council Salt Lake City

Dear Brethren

You have no doubt heard of the loss of our meetinghouse by fire. We are sattisfied it was the work of a wicked man.

It will cost about $400.00 to make it up as good as it was before the fire as everything except the walls was totally destroyed.

We are anxious to go to work and make it good as soon as possible as the walls if preserved can be utilized. We are subject in this neighborhood to high strong winds and the walls are liable to colapse unless protected by roof and necessary timbers.

It has taken many years of patience perseverance and means on the part of the people of Ranana to complete their house of worship and without assistance from any one outside of the ward.

Last edit about 1 month ago by graceakinde
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We now feel that to crowd the work necessary to be done in order to prepare a place to meet to worship God. as soon as possible that we are hardly able to meet the demand required to affect the object.

Therefore we feel earnestly impressed to approach our brethren of the Presidency and humbly ask you aid and assistance by the appropriation of such means as you may deem proper and just to enable us to accomplish the completion of the building and thereby enable us to meet together and worship the Lord of which priviledge we are now denied unless we gather in a [illegible] house

May we dear brethren solicit you earliest and earnest consideration of this on humble prayer.

With kindest regards and the utmost confidence in your judgement

We remain your brother in the Gospel William Ford Bp

There is only about sixteen brethren in [illegible] that is able to assist in the repairs of meeting house and about one third of them are just starting in life and have very little means

T. J. Jones Prest of [illegible]

Last edit about 1 month ago by graceakinde
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Bp Wm Ford [Kanana] [illegible] meeting House [attended to]

Last edit about 1 month ago by graceakinde
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