Praire Farm May 5 1845
My Dear Pa, and Mama
Sister Ells is holding my hand. While I try to write to thank you for all your kind love to me, and many kind presents. I am much obliged to Dear Ma for my mnew Cap. I like it very much. I should like to see and kiss all you all: My Aunty took me to see sister Emma baby & She gave me a lemon. She took me to see Brother Kimble and Brother Taylor & he Blessed me & gave me some figs & Raisens Willfford complains that his hand is tired so you must excuse him he sends a kiss to Pa and Maw and Sister, and wishes you to send him a wip whip the Next oppertunity so good by H. E. & W. Willford Woodruff
[upside-down text] I commenced my letter, she died in, Emmas house, and is Buried in the new Tomb he is going to keep house in Mr. Marks' brick house—last sunday week a letter was published from the Stone from you by ^B^ B Kanyon. Mr. Benbow read it at Mr Websters & we were all glad to hear you were all well. I have ^w^rote this letter at so many different times that I fiar you will not be able read it, but you must please excuse all Misstakes, and I will try to send you a neat one next time, you must except must except love from all your freinds & aquaintanances round hear and present the same to Brother Woodruff, I have Just been up to Sisters Websters' to hear from Mr. Benbows' but find that they have not been in to meeting to day, so I must now conclude, hoping to hear from you soon and let me know how you like, England, from your Sister in the gospel H. Ella [end of upside-down text]
[sideways text] Sister Holmes is about as fle^a^shey as Sister Emma was when you left
Sister Brigham is as much opposed as ever
Sister Taylor not quite so much
Sister Benbow equel to boath