Letter from Harvey Harris Cluff, 20 April 1894 [LE-43331]



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Josepa, april 20th 1894 To the First Presidency Dear Brethren; The recent action of the Board of Directors of the Josepa agricultural & Streta Company increasing the wages of the Hawaiian labours knowing your great anxiety, as also my personal ambition, to havr the farm conducted so as to pay its way, has led me to prepair the statements inclosed, showing the probable expense for labour during the present year as also the income from the farm during 1893. Suppose our income from the farm for the present year to be equal to that of 1893. bring $571320 & from some & cattle for 1894$3540,90 & from Mdse & other sources $803.90 making a total of $10,058,00. Our expenses as we estimate will be $10,058.00 making the expense equal to our income. But in this estimate of expense & have made no provision for my compensation. Our chief hope for greater profits in the near futue lies in the swine industry. The increase of swine from tr head March 1st1892, valued at $230.00 to 500 head March 1st 1894, valued at $300.00 suggests that during this season we shall be compelled

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to make improvemenets for the proper care of our home, the slaughtering & curing of the meat here, as it will be almost impossible to get them to market alive. There is no reason why we should not, in the near future, with our present prospects, be able to market from ten to fifteen thousand pounds, of well curved pork annually. In fact we have an extent of Country here, free from neighbours, and a foundation begun there will enable us to establish the greatest Swine Ranch in the West. but in order to do so we must invest in improvements, during this year and before another winter comes upon us. If make the improvements as per plan herewith Submitted, will require a Cash expenditure of 1,935,00 as follows; for Completing grannery$300,00; for light railbrad aim to turn away $150,00; for bribes cooking food and Scalding ^^for wire for fencing $350,00^^ hugs $50,00; for a small Steam briler and engine with fertures for making Saucage and trying out land $300,00; for artician well piping 10 for water to the pens and briders $150,00; for building Material $475.00: for Sundres $100.00 To supply the wants of the people here under present arrangements will make it impossible, as it appears to us, to make these improvements, from the income of the place at present and unless it is within your power and good feeling to aid us to the amount of these expenses for improvements, we

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shall be compelled to reduce the swine in numbers, as we cannot control them from encroaching upon our farm,

I am most Respectfully H, H, Cluff manager

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[Sideways text] H, H, Cluff april 20 ' 94. [End of sideways text]

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