Kirkland Jan 23 1854
Deer Brother I wonse more take up my pen to write to you to enform you that we are yet in the lande off liveinge my wife health is very poor tho che does hir own work hir ill spells [bad] it appears to be the liver complainte Brother Herman is at my house vrisiting his wife was confined the 15 day off Sept laste che had a daughter che called it Hlen Elica it Died Dec 15 he iss now agoeinge to move back onle live in one uff my house fruite has been verry plenty here this ceason and selle high I think I had 300 bushels uff grape I commenste cellinge the 1 uff Hay a apple called the Eurly Rose ande continued cellinge till the firste off Sept ande solle my chance oute to one off my nearest neighbors 65 barrels for 20 dollurs ande [was] opend 10 chillins pr barrel after I solle them on the trees I under rated them he allso bout off my neighbors he iss now taken four [illegible] sail to be for mixing commyn fruite inn the mille off barrells with Grafts he has been [illegible] before a single justis ande bounde even to the Supreme corte in [illegible] I have
benn sworn and was turng qualite off fruite and have gote to be twise more I suppose butter not sworn it at the time I will have to spende my hole time threw the Supreme corte inn Osmega Robert Gelispie sold his as common fruite and grafts 3' 1 1/2 from bushels Luciole Russel at lese [work] William Russel iss sworn [aganter] to starte to work with Afhek inn [asam] mill in (as) Calissia formia I wante you to write inn your new letter where your mail meetes the United States mail I should send you some crans berry [milliver] iff I new where to clinect them Afhek loste [200]dollars laste summ he does note tell whate news he is [aloeing] mell gets now 100 cellars for month he says hehe is convvering [hals]
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