Dialogue on dress
1. how to you like the deserett costume
2. which do you think they look best on a tall person
or a low one
Well if they you dont like them on a tall person
nor a short one I suppose you like them on a medi[um] size
Do you like them for a ball dress
Well that is the greatest objection that I have
to them for a ball dress for of all things I
dislike to see a womans feet unless they have it is
very pretty foot / Well you have not been old
enough yet young ladies in the fashionable world
never lengthen their dresses nor put up their hair til they are 16
Oh I realy am as much pseled as you are. I never
found out how I do like them their handy and
comfortable but then I dont think their is any beau-
ty about them / But how do you like them for a
street dress and to wear to meeting and such
things / well if you like them so well why dont
you wear them / Oh I mean the real desert
fashion / no it aint / well but you know you can
make over an old one / Nor but I but if liked then
as well as you prtend to I and for the sake of being
fashionable I would take the trouble to alter one
at least you know the old proverb that one may
as well be out of the world as out of fashion
Well the dresses are well enough every one to
their fancy but then I like to see people
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