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To the Honorable the Senate and Assembly of the State of Wisconsin.

Your memorialists, the Wisconsin River Hydraulics Company, respectfully represent that they have been informed and believe that efforts are being made to induce the Legislature to repeal Chapter 330 of the Local Laws of 1855 and the amendments thereto, by which the said Company was incorporated, and that the following reason is alleged as calling for and justifying such repeal-to wit:

That the Company have constructed a slide or Chute in their dam across the Wisconsin River which is unsafe for the passage of rafts and that they have not taken any effectual or energetic steps towards repairing or changing in, so as to protect the interests of the public navigating said River.

In answer to the reason so urged, your memorialists would state that they constructed their Dam and slide at great expense and with much care, and upon a plan that was considered by all, as well adapted to the locality and fully answering the purpose. That upon its completion, it was pronounced by good Engineers, and by a large number of those engaged in the Lam[bering?] business upon the Wisconsin and other Rivers, as being constructed in the best and safest manner for the passage of rafts. That upon operating it during the ensuring season, it was found

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