p. 3




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demand upon property, caused by the folly, may the wanton inhabitants, of a former legislature, in enacting a law the practical working of which, requires of a property that it step in [distinct?] a mans duty as a citizen soldier; and depender of his country the Constitution;-and hire for him a substitute. This is the practical working of the law in rating taxes; all understand that the object is not to pay extra compensation to the soldier, or to his family; but solely for freeing the voter from the draft. Interposing between the demands of the government upon the services of the citizen retarding the efforts to fill quotas; and resulting in speculation and fraud in the Military departments. [Spiking?[ is the object of tax, and [shrinking?] has been the result of its operation, up to this the third time it has been tried. If your Honorable Body should repeal this law, all good citizens, all honest men, all productive classes, would thank you for it. But should you neglect its repeal, through the demagogue fears of any popular "time server", permit your petitioner, "humbly", "beseechingly", but "earnestly", to warn you; that should this [shrinking?] vote obtain for a fourth time neither "honest politicians", "scheming politicians", or "demagogues", can [aslist?] the future "aspirant for office". We will be obliged to "carry favor" of men of the Brigand and [freeloater?] order. We shall need no southern guerrillas, to complete our

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