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To the Honorable Legislature of the Territory of Wisconsin
We the undersigned residents of Townships No. 2 U.S. in Rang No. 11 East would represent that whereas; a petition has been got up circulated and signed by E.A. Foot and others praying for a division of said town, in a manner as we humbly believe, to greatly favor some to the manifest injury of others. That petition we are informed calls for a division by striking 2 miles from the north end of each township and the erection of the intervening territory in a separate town. This would be give giving them the largest and best portion of the two townships and leaveing the south part of township two four miles by six with more marsh and refuse lands, which would be manifestly unjust, and [illegible] we are well persuaded that should the division be made agreeably to the prayer of said petition, that the people would never be satisfied until a just and equitable division might be had which would on the line between town two and three. This would make two good towns six miles square and forever settle the division of the town, and lay at rest all fear with regard future alterations. And we would further state that, so far as the argument made use of in the petition above alluded to, with regard to the impossibility of marshes, their being natural barriers, &c &c is all imaginary. Loaded teams do and have crossed them for years and with little expens good roads can be had across them. For the above and many more good and substantial reason, we earnestly remonstrate against the division called for by [illegible]
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Foot and others, and pray that if your honorable body should divide the town at all that it be divided on the line between town 2 & 3 as duty bound will ever pray.
Names: S.F. Chipman [illegible] David C Polley Ira G. Howard Dewey [illegible] David P. Douglas Isaac Smith James Heath Wm. N. Andrew David Anderson Seth Fisher Saml. W. Fisher Abraham Goodman Edward Davis Bernard Cutler Matthew Troter James Waterhouse Frederick Franklin George W Finn Travis Stuart [illegible] Joseph Richards Caleb [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] Smiley Jacob Fisher Walter Cameron [illegible] Smiley John Smiley Thomas Smiley Nathan Whitman James M. Whitman Peter [illegible] Andrew Christianson R. Cameron [illegible] Olson [illegible] [illegible] Olsen Lars Gunderson River Olsen Anson Gullicksen
Other living south of the marsh in township 3 R 11 others there have signed no petition
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Alphonzo C. Stuart Anthony Partridge Waltor Law Albion Richards Wm. Saidmore [illegible] John Rumage Henry Waterhouse Samuel Burrier Otis L. Blackman Samuel Johnston T.H. Irman Edward Inman Jonas Inman Cyrus Woodbridge JC Woodbridge Daniel Carey John G. Baker Edward Inman James Kent William Kent [illegible] [illegible] M.G. Waterhouse Josef [illegible] Walter Inman CS Millard Gullik Gullikson Christian Olsen [illegible] [illegible] Ellenson [illegible] Olsen Thideman Helgeless John Helgersen [illegible] Kennith Olsen Hendric Olsen Helga Johnson Niels Olsen Halvor Olsen [illegible] Paul Halvorsen Lars Larsen [illegible] Niles [illegible] Lars [illegible] Ole Olsen [illegible] Gibson Hendrik Hendrik Harlson Olsen Thomas Crysman Hartsel Crisman [illegible] Christian [illegible] James Whitebear Neals Olson Hellik [illegible]