p. 2




Status: Complete

To the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Wisconsin

The Petition of Phebe Philips of the county of Dane in said Territory showeth that your Petitioner is a resident of the county of Dane and has resided in said county more than one year & intends to reside here permanently.

That sometime in the month of December in the year Eighteen hundred & thirty nine, at Lockport in the State of New York in the month of December, she was married to one Pat Philips then of the county of Niagara in the state of New York - that after said marriage she resides with the said Pat Philips until sometime in the monthof July in the year 1842 - that during much of the time she so lived with the said Philips he was addicted to the vice of gambling and other vices & pursued no honest calling for a livelihood - that [illegible] or [illegible] the month of July 1842 aforesaid her husband then residing in the county of Wayne in the State of New York the said Philips was arrested on divers criminal charges & lodged in the county jail of said county of Wayne, where he remained for some time, as your Petitioner is informed and believes & had divers trials on criminal charges, and there remained as your Petitioner is informed and believes until about the month of August 1843 at or

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