p. 5




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Account of [Leander Judson]
for making Map of Wiscosin Territory.

Amount due by Wisconsin Territory under Secretary's [agreemt?]

Date Purpose $ Cost
1837. For compiling materials and drafting map in
Manuscript ready for the Engraver 1500.00
1838. For Expenses to Cincinnatti by Steamboat 30.00
" For Boarding expenses at Cincinnatti for 4
Months from July to November, say 120 days
at One dollar per day 120.00
" For time and attention to the completion
of the map at Cincinnatti 120 days at
two dollars per day - 240.00
" For expenses returning to Wisconsin by
Steam Boat 74.00
$ 1964.00
[C?] By cash received from [WillmB Slaughter]
at various times during the progress
of the work of making and
engraving the Map, in all $ 900.00
1838. From which deduct this sum paid
the Engraver - 280.00
$ 620.00
1838. Balance due [Leander Judson]
on the above account $ 1344.00
1847 Interest on the above balance to the
present time.

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I was not sure on how to proceed for this page, so I created a table. I apologise if this is not satisfactory.

Wisconsin Historical Society

This looks good. In general, we try to stay away from using markup codes because this data is imported back into another access system and it doesn't always display the same. But this is fine. Thanks!!