Petition for allowing millers to opt out of grinding flour for distillation



p. 1
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p. 1

To the Hon. the Counciland Hosue of represetative so the Territory of Wisconsin

The undersigned, citizens of the county of Walworth would respectfully represent that wheras the present law of this Territory entitled an "act to establish the rate of toll for grinding," maybe so construwed as to compel the owners & occupiers of grist mills to flour for transportation & to grind the grain for distilleries, and there by not only defeat the Spirt and object of the law, the prompt accommodation of the public in due turn, by engrossign the use of grist mills the greater portion of the timein flouring & grinding, for distillation, but also operate on the owners & occupiers of mills who have conscientous scruples against grinding for distilleries with a harshness and severity unknown to the mild Spirit of our laws by compelling them to do what they believe to be morally wrong;

They therefor respectfully pray that your honorable body would draft an act of explanatory of the law above mentioned by whitch it should be enacted that said law shall not be so constrewed as to compel any miller or the owners or occupier of any grist mill to flour for transportation or grind any grain for any distillery or which shall be intended for the purpose of distillation

Walworth County Dec 8th 1840 Wm K. May Wm D. Chapin Jonathan P. Chapin Cyrus Pugy Ebin S. Jennings John Chapin John Chapin, Jr Jacob Chapian Benjamin ABaall Bevy M Ball Alonzo Curtis

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