Petition for allowing Martha Hewitt and her children to sell and convey their land



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Mem No. 55 S.

Petition of Mtias M. Hewitt and others 2/21 To accompany bid no. 307S.

Last edit over 1 year ago by lutholtz
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To the Hon. the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin:

The petition of the undersigned respectfully represents; that Abigail Hewit of the Town of Sox Lake in the County of Dodge, the wife of Julius M Hewit is the owner for life of forty acres of the South East Quarter of section no. thirty six (36) in township no. thirteen (13) north of range no. thirteen (13) east - The fee of said land after her decease descends to her children; to wit; Martha A. Hewit aged twenty (20) years, Roenia first Hewit aged eighteen (18) years & Sarah Jane Hewit aged fifteen (15) years.

That Julius M. Hewit is now, and has been for some seven years past laid up and totally incapable of performing any kind of labor, scarcely able to walk with the aid of a crutch and cane, by reason of rheumatism, from which, there is no reasonable hope that the will ever recover; that said land is mostly under cultivation and has had a small dwelling house upon it in which the family were enabled to live heretofore; that sometime in the month of December last, the house took fire and was entirely consumed, together with almost the entire articles of household

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furniture and clothing clothing to the family; that in consequence of said fire, the whole family have suffered great inconvenience and are now suffering daily; they have no means to build another house, nor even to clothe themselves, or procure the necessary provisions for their support.

They therefore pray your honorable body to pass an act, allowing their said minor children to sell and convey their interest in said land, upon the contract of their father and mother.

Fox Lake Feby 7, 1868

Julius M. Hurt Miguel Hewit

Martha A Hewitt Rosanna J. Hewitt Sarah P. Hewitt

We the undersigned citizens of the town of Fox Lake, having read the within petition, do hereby certify that we ar acquainted with the principal facts therein set forth and know them to be true, we therefore write in the prayer of the petition.

Soddard Read JT Smith NJ Dexter JB Smith

Last edit over 1 year ago by lutholtz
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