Petition for allowing John R. Kendall to build a dam on the Fox River



p. 1
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p. 1

Petition of Citizens of Racine and Walworth Counties praying for a privilege to be granted to John R. Kendall for constructing a dam on the Fox River.


Referred to the committee on territorial affairs

Jany 20th 1842

Reported agains by Com. on Ter. Affairs Feb 8 1842 A.G. Elkin

Rep. Against

Last edit over 1 year ago by lutholtz
p. 2
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p. 2

To the Council & House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin

Your memorialists, citizens of Burlington and of Racine and Walworth counties, would respectfully represent, that a valuable water power on the Fox River (a meandered stream) might, and would, be improved to the great advantage of Racine and Walworth Counties, as well as to the country generally, provided a privilege could be obtained for enclosing a dam - We would further represent that saw power, may be had, either on Dec (32) thirty two or (33) thirty three and which would be capable of propelling machinery sufficient for extensive milling and manufacturing establishments. We would therefore pray your honourable body, to grant the legal privilege of constructing a dam to John R Reudling's hous or assigns, for the improvement of said water power.

E.G. Dyer Tho. P Kendall Silas Pearl I. Istan Samuel C Vaughn A. Coolee Geo. Graham H. McLaughlin Joseph [illegible] Thomas Roberts Lewis Royce Wm. A. Bride J Holbrath CH Pecke John S Hand S.Q. Marshall H. Russell Peter Vandersine Martin Stevens John L. Trowlings L.R. Smith Renet Nims Hiram Carpenter David Town Alexander H. Tucker George Tower Abel Neff Squire Patten D Bushnell G. Adams

Last edit over 1 year ago by lutholtz
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