p. 1
Mem No 43A
Petition of the officers & directors of the Dodge County Mutual Insurance company for the amendment of sec 1 of chap 103 of General Laws of 1858
6/2 Pres by Mr. Jones incorp 11/2 rep back with NC of ref to Jud. Com. so ord. 13/2 rep back [illegible]
6/2 Incorp
p. 2
To the Hon Senate & Assembly of the State of Wisconsin
At the request of the Directors of the Dodge County Mutual Ins. Co. we would most earnestly petition your honorable body to amend chapter 103 of the session laws of 1858. Section one by strikeing out the words "the state paper" and insert the words some paper published in the state" so it shall read 'and shall publish in som paper published in this state daily for two weeks a statement &c'
We do this that we may be allowed to publish our report the same as companies which are not incorporated by this state in a paper of our own selection.
Most Respectfully Yours Geo W Bly President of the Dodge Co M Ins Co Edwin Hillyer Sect Dodge Co. Mut Ins Co