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Washington Co. Dec. 1, 1841
To the Honorable Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin
Your petitioners respectfully state that there is such a number of Germans in the County of Washington as to fill entire school and road districts without an American born amongst them. We, the inhabitants of the County of Washington, therefore respectfully ask of your honorable body, to pass a law, entitling those Germans to hold the offices of overseers of highways and school district officers.
We remain, as in duty bound etc.
Frederick W. Horn Peter Burch Martin Schreiber Myone Heuer Benjamin Reybou Friedrick Prahl Winfor Mather Martin Senite Carl Klug Friedrich Lathrow Johann Bartelt Ernst Wilbrat Earl Klug Michael Bellin Johannes Swift Carl Wilke Joachim Depvorn [illegible] Auguts Reidell
p. 4
Wilhelm Kleg [illegible] [illegible] Helm John Johnke Johan Hoch Johann Bruggemann Wilbur Vilas [illegible] Carl Benjamin Hegwell Johann Ramthun Johann Buth Lakan Klug Friderich Schonford Johann Wallshlager [illegible] Gotlieb Klug Gosspoint King Johan King Lawig Kleis [illegible] Wotch Henry V. Bornmuell Barton Salisbury Wifflowler Grondiau Gottlieb Washow W. Milbrath HJ Meier Wilhelm Dumetrey [illegible] Goddfried Burknow [illegible] Carl Wilbrath JA Liebhaber William Opitz