p. 1
Mem W 250A
The petition of D.E. Wood 436 other citizens of the county of Fond du Lac praying for the [illegible] of a law quickly to the cities villages & towns in said county the moneys desired licenses to sell liquor.
CW Lean
5/3 Pres. by Mr. McLean to assy. no 69A.
5/3 69a
p. 2
To the honorable the Senate and Assembly of the State of Wisconsin
Your petitioners residents and freeholders of the County of Fond du Lac, respectfully represent, that in their opinion the present provisions of law, requiring all moneys derived from licenses to sell liquors, to be paid into the treasury of the county in such counties where the system of supporting paupers has been adopted, are unjust and unequal in their effect in the county of Fond du Lac.
Your petitioners would therefore ask your honorable bodies, to pass an act, permitting the cities, villages, and towns, in the county of Fond du Lac, to retain the moneys derived from licenses to sell liquors, for their own use.
And your petitioners will every pray &c &c.
DE Wood I.A. Handt Cha. VanVasels Nathan Brenster W. Tilbett Andw. H. Davis L. Nichals C.B. Bartlett R. Eleert Alvin Vingram Silas Allen John Nephaor Joseph Wargburger A. Randall Patk. O'Connor
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Martin Curran W.C.H. Grave Thomas Gough [illegible] Geo. T Walkins [illegible] C Sherwood Saml. [illegible] E.S. Meigs Joseph Olmsted Edward Bissell A. Baynman JH Coleman Philo [illegible] Cha Olmsted James W Valentine James Lancett Charles Hett N.B. Kellogg George Williams Thos. Flood Robert Dalton H Conklin John [illegible] H. Bishop Jacob Schall W. Giebel Johan [illegible] Henry B. Fargo William Walsh John Morriden Reuben J. Raven J. Johnson Joseph N. Hyde Patrick Caufield JH Sprague William Welsh Mousan DeKerouac JH Lockwood [illegible] Cary JH Bowen CF Bowen JE Bowen H [illegible] A.G. Brightenshin S.H. Alexander G.S. Carrier G.S. Wait AB Chambers Win Blair George Brown E. Halle Johan Peter Bersch Benjamin Cole Philo Chamberlin
p. 4
B.J. Nochim SW Snyder C. Bucklin W.T. Coneys James Ward Asa G Baker EW Davis Geo W King Orvis Witter WD Henry Wm Craig W.H. Steans BF Fuller Charles Williams Fredk. Thorp G.W. Brantly S.C. Seaman Gottlab Gattarman O. Morley Geo. J. Blythe D.E. Hoskins AC Simpson William Ranger Stamer [illegible] Stephen Burklin [illegible] Jacob Frey Johan Reichardt Henry Arante Franz Lanenster Louis Ruffs John Petit N. Bunother Joseph Arnold Mat Fargo [illegible] Mont Joseph Passage A. VanPotter Ostris Dareshow Leclare Dufrinn GE Wyman John G. Simpson Jeb Benjamin D.D. Hobkes [illegible] A. White B.J. Meller H. Woodworth RM Seros Chas. B. Green T.T. Strong Jr. A. Walton J. Walton
p. 5
J. Jones G Walton AB Taylor JR Smith E Gehns D Perkins Jas. Whitmore Maurice Fitzsimmons H. Courtney Michal Gabell Cha. A. Eldridge M. VanDresur David T. Ridgley Silas Clark James Hesson Charles Hohanund N Welch JH Spencer EM May Wm. S. Valentine JW Harvey H Hasting J Sherwood Arch Bisted Thomas Roche Thom Gibson William McDennett John Gaugh D Puller SA Dewey W.M. Alsover M. Drummond W.B. Drummond Milton Earn CL Alling W.S. Curtis B.W. Townsend S.O. Patch C.S. Highers C.W. Sims K.A. Darling OL Patch PJ Sloun A. Payne John Lobyrd I. LaBull L.A. Griswold I. Sherwood John Hanck A. Preul [illegible]