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To the Hon. Legislative Assembly of Wisconsin Territory, petition of the carpenters, joiners, masons, painter & glaziers of Southport, respectfully showeth; that the present Lien Law does not afford the builder that security which the makers of the law designed it should.
1st: The builder has no lien unless he contracts with the owner of the land. And in many cases the occupants of farms & village lots, have not the legal title thereto and in all such cases the builder has no security. 2d: The contract must be signed, sealed, acknowledged and recorded. Thereby depriving, any and all such as work by the day, and all who furnish materials without such contract, of the benefit of the lien.
Your petitioners are of the opinion that every building should be held as security for the debts contracted in building it: and we therefore pray your Hon Body to so amend the present law, that all mechanicks and others, who shall by contract or otherwise, furnish materials or do work in erecting or repairing any building, shall have lien thereon for the amount of such debt: provided that a copy of the lien shall be filed in the office of the register of deeds, within sixty 60 days after such work shall be done on materials furnished.
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and as in duty bound and c.
Southport W.T. Jan 7th 1841
Chauncy Davis Eli Stevens John F Cady J.P. Raleigh C.M. Carne Henry H. Fitcomb P. Brennen J.C. Bloom A.D. Loomis Geo H Skibbins Burnam Webster John Hawk Herschel Richards Thos. W. Weitz William Gould A.L. Norhway Nelson Lay Richard Cross George M. Foster Vincent Daniels S.S. Casterbrook James R Barnes