p. 1




Status: Complete

To the Honorable the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin - [illegible].

The petition of the undersigned citizens of Grant County W.J. would respectfully represent that the establishment of a permanent and safer ferry across the Mississippi River from the City of Du Buque I.Y. to the landing opposite [illegible] in said county of Grant will be of great importance and convenience to the citizes of this territory generally and especially to that portion who reside in Grant and the adjoining counties. Many of your constituents with the subscribers having often material and indispensable business in the neighboring territory have heretofore been put to great trouble, expense for the want of a suitable and secure Ferry. We therefore having great confidence in Mr. Timothy South of said county and believing him to be an accomodating and enterprising citizen and knowing him to have kept an excellent ferry at the point aforesaid during the last few months

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