p. 3




Status: Complete

legitimate purpose of the Lodge only, to be devoted mainly to purposes of chemistry and literature, it is intended to use the rents and income from the property to found and maintain a library of useful knowledge and also to maintain the charity fund of the institution which embraces many objects of public charity in which society generally is as much interested as are the members of the order, these matters which would be fully set out in detail in the deed cannot with propriety be defined in an act of the Legislature, we do not believe that the Gov would needlessly restrict the sphere of usefulness of an institution like ours, which carefully avoids all contact with politics and restricts itself to acts of charity and the cultivation of the social virtures, but we are led to suppose his objections arise from the want of sufficient information a to the nature of our institution and the purposes for which it is designed to use the property in question, we are not able to see how any powers dangerous to the public interest could be exercised under the act which has passed over the Gov's veto, and believing that none such can exist we respectfully pray your honorable body to pass the said act notwithstanding the said veto.

Respectfully submitted

L Phillips NE
of Milwaukee lodge No 3

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