p. 7




Status: Complete

Black Mother Disapproves

To The Journal: Being a black mother
of eight children (one daughter is a postu-
lant at Notre Dame, one daughter is at-
tending Mount Mary college under schol-
arship, one daughter is attending Divine
Savior high school under scholarship, one
daughter is a junior at St. Mary academy
and three children attend St. Leo school)
and having experienced many periods of
inequality as a Negro, I have always been
a civil rights fighter and an advocate of
equal opportunity.

But this is one time I certainly cannot
feel that student demonstrations are
legitimate at the University of Wiscon-
sin. White society has been asking.
"What do Negroes want?" And today
I find myself asking this same question
of the blacks at Madison.

I understand what the black students
are seeking but on the other hand these
students are there to obtain a higher edu-
cation. Why are these sudden demands
so important to them right now? Many a
black student has completed college
without ever gaining a smattering of
black history or any of the other de-
mands of these students. I am sure that
the granting of these demands will not
produce a more intellectual student.

These protestors are not concerned
about their black brothers and sisters nor
about those who will attend in the future.
I do not approve of demonstrations at in-
stitutions of learning, as too much learn-
ing is lost in such actions. And for those
who would never participate in such
foolishness it is very traumatic, for these
students are there to get an education —
without interruptions.

It would be most unfortunate if any of
the demonstrators are students who are
attending under scholarships, because to
be given a college scholarship is truly a
golden opportunity. I hope and pray that
any scholarship student will never partic-
ipate in campus demonstration, because
he will only be defeating his purpose,
plus showing ingratitude to those who
have faith in him.

I am sure that every consideration has
been given to student demands and that
in time compliance would have been
forthcoming. But there seemingly are
some students who could not wait. To
have waited for action would have been
far better for every student at the uni-
versity because now their education is
being disrupted. And they have to wait
anyway. And it may be longer than they

In conclusion I say such demonstra-
tions at Madison are ridiculous and the
instigators should be dealt with very
firmly. Gaining higher education is too
precious to most students to allow inter-
ruptions by a few protestors.

2619 N. 21st st., Milwaukee.

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