p. 4
April 23
Dear Mrs. Phillips:
I am interested in obtaining a copy of an open housing ordinance that you consider "acceptable". - I am acting as part of a group here in West Allis and want to work for one - but a good one. Can you help me?
Thank youMrs. Vernon Nelson 1573 S. 76th St. - West Allis - 7741139
p. 5
May 1, 1968
Mrs. Vernon Nelson 1573 South 76th Street West Allis, Wisconsin
Dear Mrs. Nelson,
I am enclosing a fairly complete history of the whole fair housing situation here in Milwaukee since 1962. This includes a copy of my proposed all-inclusive ordinance, along with the whole set of City Attorney's opinions. This may give your group an idea of some of the opposition you might encounter in your campaign for really meaningful legislation.
As you will read, my all-inclusive ordinance expressly safeguards a property-owner's right to inquire into a prospective buyer's or tenant's past rental record, his financial, marital, family, and job situations, and to require references. What is does forbid is discrimination solely on the basis of race, creed, colour, or national origin.
I wish you and your organization the very best of luck in your undertaking. Perhaps as more and more concerned citizens make their wishes known to their legislators, justice will at last prevail. If I can be of any more help to you, please do not hesitate to contact me again at any time; I will be waiting to hear of your progress, too.
Sincerely, VEL R. PHILLIPS Alderman, 6th Ward
VRP:bb Enclosures