Technical Description of the Allegany Aqueduct
(c. 1829-1830)
Alegany Aqueduct
The outer arch foots 4.50 B. and inner one 6.00 B - Piers are not carried higher than the bottom of canal, they are 10 ft thick and 43 ft long at footing of arches with a latter of 1 in. per foot from bottom to top. - The outer arch foots in cast iron shoe 1 in. thick. The inner arch against the base stone. Arch timbers are 7714 inches hewn out of crooked timber - pieces generally 36 ft long. These sticks are placed 1 inch apart perpendicularly and 10 in. horizontally - The whole sectiond area of all the arches is 3.57 feet - The chord is made of two sticks 7 by 14 placed 1 in apart cap timbers 10 by 12 - Posts for the truss work 9 by 10 in the middle and larger at the ends for the braces - Main braces for train work 8 by 10 - Check braces by 4 1/2 by 10 - Main Cross beams 10 by 18 and placed 10.0 ft apart from centre to centre - Iron rods are 7/8 inch square and fastened with a sinew at top and a key at bottom, 8 of which are placed to each cross beam on 112 to each upon which gives 86 inches as the sectional area of all the rods from one span. All the piers, except one were founded, without any crossing by leveling the bottom of the river and sinking the platform of timber. The aqueduct at the upper crossing is like this in ver respect except that the spans are 124 feet.
p. 1
Dimensions & calculations of the Stone bridge on the Louisville & Portland Canal taken February 1830. Height of masonry laid under old contract 9.4 feet. Height of piers 30.4. Distance from the springing of arches to top of parapets at the abutments 24 ft at the piers 27,5 ft.
D. from under side of middle arch at the crown to top of parapet 6.75 ft. from under side of small arches 7.25 feet. Height of parapets over wings & small arches 4 feet. D. as over middle arch at the ends 5.50 in the middle. Width of parapets at top 2,50 at bottom 3 feet. All other dimensions taken from the plan or from the measurements made by Mr. Henry.
[table of measurements]
Blank Contract for a Turnpike Road
[Printed contract for Turnpike Road]
p. 1
Sept 10th 1830
Mr. Increase A Lapham Portsmouth Ohio
Dear Sir On my return from an absence of some weeks I found your letter of 1 ult. I was not aware that you had collected any part of the shells sent you by Mr. Layth [illegible] sent in return many species with which he has [exhumed?] himself well satisfied. It would give me great pleasure to send you in return for the shells either minerals or shells as you might desire. Having procured a great quantity from various localities my obect now is preparing to get new species or very perfect specimens of these which I already have & which I can exchange again for something which I have not - I should be gald you would give your attention to the small & thin mussels as well as the large & thick ones. The river...