p. 3




Status: Complete

[Handwritten inscription in pencil, u.r.: 1277; illegible handwritten inscription in pencil, u.l.]

-1437- / 1871.

Please take the river observations regularly. Love to
all. / Yours truly,
Henry Lapham. / I. A. Lapham.

[align center]

Jacksonville, Jan. 27, 1871.

[align left]
Dear Son--

I spend most of my time at Hibernia. Day before yester-
day I went up Black Creek to its tributary, Peter's Creek. I saw
yellow pong lilies and [inserted] wild violets. &c., &c. [crossed out], in flower.

I went this morning in a rowboat to Mrs. Mitchell's
fine Florida home. It looks rough yet, but will soon be a little
Paradise of a place, especially if she succeeds in her attempt to
make a grass lawn.

Mr. Bassnett called while I was gone, he left word at
the hotel that he was going to St. Augustine, and I propose to
chase him up. A steamer takes one there in six hours.

Saw Mr. Hawley and some other Milwaukee people this af-

Picked ripe strawberries and yellow jessamine in blos-
som today.

[align right]
Yours truly,
[align left]
Seneca G. Lapham. / I. A. Lapham.

[align center]
Jan. 28. There are Indian Mounds opposite Yellow Bluff.

Boulders of hornblende trap found in Florida; at Ship
Yard they are found with oyster shells attached among shell beds.

Visited ship yard, or Henrietta Plantation [Plantation], on the St.
John's river, 20 miles below Jacksonville. Nectarines in flower;
six feet from the graft; one year, eight inches in circumference.

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