p. 410




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******* write me about your arrangements for the future. Are you thinking of joining the Loco Foso's and entering the state service? Or will you emigrate to some whig state, say Michigan or Wisconsin?

Wisconsin holds out some inducements for the future but nothing very flattering at present.*** I have a salary of $2,000. from the canal company but it is as yet only "promises to pay." No funds have been provided. We are now endeavoring to have the matter placed on a different footing by the Legislature and if successful we shall be able to go on with the work.***

Our winter thus far has resembled an Ohio winter, in some degree, being wet and muddy and of course very disagreeable. We are daily expecting a change which will make the mud as solid as a rock and cover it with a white mantle one or two feet in depth. When this change takes place all will be life and bustle and cheerfulness again. Sleigh rides will be the order of the day and business of all kinds revive.***

Your affectionate brother,


Darius Lapham.


Milwaukee Dec. 29th 1839.....

Dear Father, --

I hope you have made up your mind to make me a visit. We can not offer you any inducements except a very hearty welcome which you will be sure to have in Milwaukee.

The legislature of the Territory is now in session at Madison and we hope they will make such provisions as will enable the canal to progress and in that case I shall have full employment and prompt pay. There are many persons here, as in New York and Ohio, who are opposed to the canal, and who are disposed to throw

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