p. 100




Status: Complete

[pencil sketch - 100]


Mar.7. Eighteen years old to day;
Mar.9. Canvass White visited Shippingport to day. He took o ne[one]
set of shells which I had collected for him consisting of thirty
varieties of unios.

He told in answer to my letter that he wanted me to
stay with Mr. Henry at the canal this season, and he would endeavor to
procure a situation for me at Yale College, being acquainted with
Prof. Silliman and other of the Professors. He will be at New Ha-
ven before he returns to this place in June next and will then
make such arrangements as are necessary and let me know about it.

Shippingsport Mar. 9, 1829.

Dear Brother,--

My last letter had scarcely passed from my hands
when yours of the 8th ult. was received. *********

I am much pleased with the plan and arrangement of your
book, though I think it ought to include railroads, as they come un-
der the superintendence of civil engineers as much as canals and
within ten years you may make yourself acquainted with the prac-
tical operations of their construction, perhaps Ohio will make a
railroad from Dayton to Lake Erie. *******

The river is quite high and rising fast, we will be
overflown in a few days.

Tomorrow I go with Mr. Henry about half way to Frankfurt for
the purpose of surveying [illegible - crossed out] five miles of turnpike road. Will
be gone five or six days only and if I discover anything new or
interesting I will give you a description.

From your affectionate brother,

Mr. D. Lapham.

Mar. 10. [illegible -crossed out] Dr. Harrison of Louisville has offered me the
privilege of reading any of the books in his library for the use of

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