Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 13




Status: Complete


Sepng 2 p 136
9 Gray 540
6 Dar 356 1853 Annual
7 Lapham Wis. Ag Tr 3 p 419
pl 2 figs 1-11
2 Ph Fl p 60 1816
Ell SR 2p 585 1824

Zizania aquatica Linnaeus

Wild rice. folle avionne (French) Menomonee of Indians.
Tuscarora rice, water oats, Indian rice &c
Hydropyrum esculentum Link, Hort 1 p 252 (1827) stead p Kunth En p 9

2 clavilosa Michx Muhl 270 Fl 1 p 75 1803
Z palustris Linn Gronov Virg p 148 Muhl Gr p 271 1817
Melinum palustre Link (1829)

See Elliott 2 p 586
In shallow water. Sept to Nov.

Ohio Ind. Ill. Mich Iowa Ky N. Car. Mass. Wisonsin! Minnesota! Vt. Arkansas Nutt. N.J.! N.Y. to Florida Ph? Md. S. Car. Ga.


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