Box 15, Folder 11: Grass like Plants of Wisconsin, 1855



Carex Aperta Boot, p. 46

Carex Aperta Boot, p. 46

98 Carex aperta, Boot.

Sterile spikes one, or two, rarely three, oblong-cylindrical, acute; fertile 2 to 4 - oblong, erect, the uppermost approximate and sessile, the lower distant and short stalked; lowest bract about the length of the culm, with oblong brown oricles, the upper bristleform shorter than the spikes; perigynia roundishovate, stalked, nerveless, broader and much shorter than the lanceolate, pointed, brown scale; culm nearly smooth, one to three feet high. Flowers in May. Borders of marshes in prairies or

Last edit over 2 years ago by ginnymc
Carex Stricta Lamarck, p. 47

Carex Stricta Lamarck, p. 47

99 Carex stricta, Lamarck

Syn. C. acuta Muhl. (not of Linn) C. Virginiana, Smith, C. angustata, Boot.

Sterile spikes 1 to 3, slender; fertile 2 to 4 cylindrical, slender, [recurved?], usually barren at the summit; lower bract seldom exceeding the culm; perigynia ovate-acuminate, or elliptical, shorter and broader than the narrow, reddish-brown scale; culm slender, sharply triangular, rough, longer than the narrow rigid leaves. Culms 2 to 3 feet high; flowers in May. Wet meadows common.

Wisconsin; Illinois; southern Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and about Lake Superior. Extends to the Southern states, and northward to the Arctic regions, and the North West Coast.

This is one of the most abundant species in our natural wet meadows and forms most of what is known as the fine hay.

Last edit over 2 years ago by EricRoscoe
Carex Striction Dewey, p. 48

Carex Striction Dewey, p. 48

100 Carex strictior, Dewey.

Sterile spikes one or two, with oblong blackish scales; fertile spikes 2 or 3 cylindrical, densely flowered, staminate above; perigynia ovate, compressed, acute, glabrous, a little longer than the oblong, acute scales; culm two feet high flowers in May Wet places.

Wisconsin, & Michigan

Last edit over 2 years ago by ginnymc
Carex Aquatilis Wahlenberg, p. 49

Carex Aquatilis Wahlenberg, p. 49

101 Carex aquatilis, Wahlenberg

Sterile spikes 2 or 3, oblong, lowest sessile; fertile 3 to 5, sometimes staminate above, club-shaped, erect, sessile or the lowest slightly pedunculate, densely flowered; one or two of the lowest bracts exceeding the culm; perigynia ovate-elliptical, stalked, nerveless, obtuse, glabrous, about the length of the lanceolate black scale; culm sharply triangular, rough toward the top, a little longer than the leaves, two to three feet high. Flowers in May. Wet meadows.

Plate X fig 2 - a A fertile spike; b perigynia; c same distorted; d fertile flower; e the sterile flower.

Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and about Lake Superior. Extends north to the Arctic regions and East to the N. England states.

This is another of the species the narrow leaves of which makes fine wild hay; but it is not a very common species in our natural meadows.

Last edit over 2 years ago by ginnymc
Carex Crinita Lamarck, p. 50

Carex Crinita Lamarck, p. 50

102 Carex crinita, Lamarck

Syn. C. paleacea Wahl. C. gynandra Schw.

Sterile spike one, or sometimes two, long, lank, often with a few fertile flowers; fertile two to five, cylindrical, pedunculate, nodding, densely flowered; bracts exceeding the culm without sheaths; perigynia roundish-obovate, slightly inflated, obscurely nerved, shorter than the oblong roughawned light brown scale; culm tall leafy at the base, sharply triangular, rough, two to four feet high; flowers in May. Wet meadows.

Illinois, Southern Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and about Lake Superior. Extends from South Carolina to the Arctic regions.

Last edit over 2 years ago by ginnymc
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