Eleocharis Tenuis Schultes, p. 148


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ginnymc at Aug 18, 2022 03:30 PM

Eleocharis Tenuis Schultes, p. 148

much less water, or it is more dry, and
that it yields about two per cent less of
ash when burned.

The following table shows the result
of the analyses of the two species, placed
side by side so that the reader can more
readily compare the one with the other

S Eleocharis Phleum
Silica 27.00 41.65
Phosphates 16.80 16.93
Carbonate of lime 5.45 .20
Magnesia .10 .50
Potash 1.61 30.76
Soda 24.12 1.02
Chlorine 3.36
Soluble silica 1.00 .20
Sulphuric acid 11.88 4.13
Carbonic acid .71
Chloride of sodium 2.49
Organic matter 5.26
Loss 2.71 2.12
100.00 100.00

Eleocharis Tenuis Schultes, p. 148

much less water, or it is more dry, and
that it yields about two per cent less of
ash when burned.

The following table shows the result
of the analyses of the two species, placed
side by side so that the reader can more
readily compare the one with the other

S Eleocharis Phleum
Silica 27.00 41.65
Phosphates 16.80 16.93
Carbonate of lime 5.45 .20
Magnesia .10 .50
Potash 1.61 30.76
Soda 24.12 1.02
Chlorine 3.36
Soluble silica 1.00 .20
Sulphuric acid 11.88 4.13
Carbonic acid .71
Chloride of sodium 2.49
Organic matter 5.26
Loss 2.71 2.12
100.00 100.00