Carex Squarrosa Linnaeus, p. 111


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4 revisions
EricRoscoe at Aug 05, 2022 01:45 AM

Carex Squarrosa Linnaeus, p. 111

162 Carex squarrosa, Linnaus.

Syn C. typhina, Michx.

[Sterile] Spikes 1 to 5, ovoid or oblong
the upper one sterile at the base, thick, erect,
obtuse, densely, flowered, on short stalks; perigynia spreading, obovate, with
an abrupt, 2 toothed, leak, longer than the lanceolate
pointed scales. Culm 1 to 2 feet high.
Flowers in May. Meadows + copses.

Illinois, Southern Indiana, Ohio, and
Extends from Georgia to the Arctic regions.

Carex Squarrosa Linnaeus, p. 111

162 Carex squarrosa, Linnaus.

Syn C. typhina, Michx.

[Sterile] Spikes 1 to 5, ovoid or oblong
the upper one sterile at the base, thick, erect,
obtuse, densely, flowered, on short stalks; perigynia spreading, obovate, with
an abrupt, 2 toothed, leak, longer than the lanceolate
pointed scales. Culm 1 to 2 feet high.
Flowers in May. Meadows + corpses.

Illinois, Southern Indiana, Ohio, and
Extends from Georgia to the Arctic regions.