Carex Pennslyvanica Lamarck, p. 83


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ginnymc at Jul 21, 2022 03:49 PM

Carex Pennslyvanica Lamarck, p. 83

134 Carex Pennsylvanica, Lamarck

Sterile spike single, commonly on a short
stalk; fertile spikes 2 or 3 mostly two, approximate, nearly sessile,
ovoid, 4 to 6 flowered, the lowest commonly with a
colored, scale like, long awned bract; perigynia
roundish ovoid, with short and abrupt minutely
toothed beak, about the length of the ovate
pointed, chesnut colored scale. Culm 8 to 15
inches high; flowers in May; grows in
woods and hill sides.

Plate X fig 8. a head of spikes; b perigynium
and stigmas; c scale; d scale of the sterile spike; e
section of the perigynium; f the staminate

Wisconsin, Illinois, Southern Indiana, Ohio,
and Michigan. Extends from North Carolina
to the Arctic regions; and eastward to New

Carex Pennslyvanica Lamarck, p. 83

134 Carex Pennsylvanica, Lamarck

Sterile spike single, commonly on a short
stalk; fertile spikes 2 or 3 mostly two, approximate, nearly sessile,
ovoid, 4 to 6 flowered, the lowest commonly with a
colored, scale like, long awned bract; perigynia
roundish ovoid, with short and abrupt minutely
toothed beak, about the length of the ovate
pointed, chesnut colored scale. Culm 8 to 15
inches high; flowers in May; grows in
woods and hill sides.

Plate X fig 8. a head of spikes; b perigynium
and stigmas; c scale; d scale of the sterile spike; e
section of the perigynium; f the staminate

Wisconsin, Illinois, Southern Indiana, Ohio,
and Michigan. Extends from North Carolina
to the Arctic regions; and eastward to New