Carex Eburnea Boot, p. 79


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ginnymc at Jul 20, 2022 07:16 PM

Carex Eburnea Boot, p. 79

131 Carex eburnea, Boot.

Syn. C. alba, var. setifolia, Dew. C. paupercula Torr. (not of Michx)

Sterile spike solitary; fertile spikes 3 or 4,
erect, about 5 flowered, approximated and elevated
on long stalks above the staminate spike; perigynia
obscurely nerved, smooth & shining, reddish-brown
or olive colored at maturity; bracts very
short; scales white, broad, obtuse, membranaceous
rather shorter than the perigynium; leaves all
radical, very narrow; culm slender 4 to 10 inches
high. Flowers in May. Moist shady places.

Plate X fig. 7 -- a the spikes; b perigynium
scales & stigmas; c section of the perigynium; d
scale; e the staminate flower.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Michigan.
Extends south to Kentucky, and north to the
arctic regions.

Carex Eburnea Boot, p. 79

131 Carex eburnea, Boot.

Syn. C. alba, var. setifolia, Dew. C. paupercula Torr. (not of Michx)

Sterile spike solitary; fertile spikes 3 or 4,
erect, about 5 flowered, approximated and elevated
on long stalks above the staminate spike; perigynia
obscurely nerved, smooth & shining, reddish-brown
or olive colored at maturity; bracts very
short; scales white, broad, obtuse, membranaceous
rather shorter than the perigynium; leaves all
radical, very narrow; culm slender 4 to 10 inches
high. Flowers in May. Moist shady places.

Plate X fig. 7 -- a the spikes; b perigynium
scales & stigmas; c section of the perigynium; d
scale; e the staminate flower.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Michigan.
Extends south to Kentucky, and north to the
arctic regions.