Carex Dioica Linnaeus, p. 1


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3 revisions
EricRoscoe at May 25, 2021 02:27 PM

Carex Dioica Linnaeus, p. 1

1. Spikes solitary.

53 Carex dioica, Linnaeus
Syn. C. gynocrates, Wormsk?

Spike solitary, dioecious; stigmas two; culm
and leaves smooth, or a little rough at the top; leaves
all radical, bristle-form; barren spike linear; fertile
spike ovoid, loosely flowered; perigynia oblong-
ovoid, with a short, nearly entire white and
membranaceous point, strong nerved, smooth,
spreading horizontally at maturity, longer than
the rather obtuse scale. Culms 6 to 8 inches
high; flowers in May; grows in Swamps.

Michigan; extending east to central New York and north to the Arctic regions.
A native also of Europe.

Carex Dioica Linnaeus, p. 1

1. Spikes solitary.

53 Carex dioica, Linnaeus
Syn. C. gynocrates, Wormsk?

Spike solitary, dioecious; stigmas two; culm
and leaves smooth, or a little rough at the top; leaves
all radical, bristle-form; barren spike linear; fertile
spike ovoid, loosely flowered; perigynia oblong-
ovoid, with a short, nearly entire white and
membranaceous point, strong nerved, smooth,
spreading horizontally at maturity, longer than
the rather obtuse scale. Culms 6 to 8 inches
high; flowers in May; grows in Swamps.

Michigan; extending east to central New York and north to the Arctic regions.
A native also of Europe.