Carex Scoparia Schkur, p. 36
Status: Page Status Transcribed
88 Care scoparia, Schkur.
Syn. C. leporina, Michx.
Spikes 5 to 8 club-shaped, at length
ovate, more or less approximate, sometimes
much clustered into a dense head; perigynia
narrowly lanceolate, lightly ovate at the base,
tapering into a long slender beak, a little longer
than the lanceolate, accuminate, tawny scale;
achenium distinctly stalked, exactly oval.
Culms 18 inches to 2 feet high; flowers in
May. Wet places --
Wisconsin; Illinois; Ohio; Michigan;
about Lake Superior. Extends from Carolina to the Arctic regions, and
North West Coast.
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