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6 revisions
EricRoscoe at Mar 13, 2023 07:22 PM




Catops Payk.
basilaris, L. Covered with very short yellowish hair; Black; elytra brown paler at the base. 14/100

Engis Fabr.
confluenta, L. Black; elytra testaceous apex and about 3 spots on each black; margin black 1/5
heros, L. Black; elytra bifasciate with rufous the anterior head with an angular black spot. 3/4

Byturus Latr.
unicolor, L. Reddish yellow; hairy; thorax each side depressed; tergum dusky; eyes black 3/20

Deymestris Lin Latr.
marmoratus L. Marbled with blackish-brown; and cinerous, or ferruginous hair, with a large coneicous humeral spot. 3/10 to 9/20 Mass.

Scaphidium Fab.
4-guttatusa Knock. Black; thorax with an undulated series of large punctures; elytra with four rufous spots, anterior one panduriform. 1/5
4-pustulatum. Knock? Say. Black; thorax with an undulated series of large punctures; elytra with four rufous obtusely lunate spots. Mass.

[Heterocerus?] Bosc. Fab.
pallidus, L. Thorax livid-brown, margin whitish, lineate, & spotted with dusky; antennae whitish.
pusillus, L. Dark reddish brown, impunctured, hairy, hairs short, rather rigid, reflected, whitish, eyes pale reddish brown; beneath blackish; carina of the pectus piceous; thighs reddish brown 1/10

lineatus, L. (E. griseus? Herbst in Melsh) Greenish; thorax with 5 longitudinal impressed lines; elytra grayish. 3/20

Hydrophyllus Fab.
triangularis, L. (H. ater? Melsh) Olivaceous-black postpectus & sides of the venter with dull yellowish hair. 1 1/5 to 1 3/5 Mass.
obtusatus L. (H. caraboeoides Melsh) Black, convex, rounded behind; sternum with a slight prominence at the anterior tip 12/20 to 13/20
nimbatus Knock, Black; head thorax & elytra margined with yellowish 2/5 Mass.

Sphoeridium Fab.
apicialis S. Obscure, piceous; head black; elytra pale at the tip 3/40

Copris Geoff Fab.
anaglypticus, L. (Scarab. anglypticus Knock) Thorax trituberculate; head horned. 7/20 Mass
histeroides S. Scaraboeus hisperoides Knock in Melsh) Dark cupreous; clyteus emarginate, antennae yellowish.
triangularis, L. Cupreous; head horned; thorax angulated; elytra striated & punctured.

Ateuchus Fab.
nigricornis. Black, minutely scabrous; clypeus 6-toothed incisure of the posterior tooth much less profound than that of the preceeding one, anterior tibia 3 toothed. 1/4





Catops Payk.
basilaris, L. Covered with very short yellowish hair; Black; elytra brown paler at the base. 14/100

Engis Fabr.
confluenta, L. Black; elytra testaceous apex and about 3 spots on each black; margin black 1/5
heros, L. Black; elytra bifasciate with rufous the anterior head with an angular black spot. 3/4

Byturus Latr.
unicolor, L. Reddish yellow; hairy; thorax each side depressed; tergum dusky; eyes black 3/20

Deymestris Lin Latr.
marmoratus L. Marbled with blackish-brown; and cinerous, or ferruginous hair, with a large coneicous humeral spot. 3/10 to 9/20 Mass.

Scaphidium Fab.
4-guttatusa Knock. Black; thorax with an undulated series of large punctures; elytra with four rufous spots, anterior one panduriform. 1/5
4-pustulatum. Knock? Say. Black; thorax with an undulated series of large punctures; elytra with four rufous obtusely lunate spots. Mass.

[Heterocerus?] Bosc. Fab.
pallidus, L. Thorax livid-brown, margin whitish, lineate, & spotted with dusky; antennae whitish.
pusillus, L. Dark reddish brown, impunctured, hairy, hairs short, rather rigid, reflected, whitish, eyes pale reddish brown; beneath blackish; carina of the pectus piceous; thighs reddish brown 1/10

lineatus, L. (E. griseus? Herbst in Melsh) Greenish; thorax with 5 longitudinal impressed lines; elytra grayish. 3/20

Hydrophyllus Fab.
triangularis, L. (H. ater? Melsh) Olivaceous-black postpectus & sides of the venter with dull yellowish hair. 1 1/5 to 1 3/5 Mass.
obtusatus L. (H. caraboeoides Melsh) Black, convex, rounded behind; sternum with a slight prominence at the anterior tip 12/20 to 13/20
nimbatus Knock, Black; head thorax & elytra margined with yellowish 2/5 Mass.

Sphoeridium Fab.
apicialis S. Obscure, piceous; head black; elytra pale at the tip 3/40

Copris Geoff Fab.
anaglypticus, L. (Scarab. anglypticus Knock) Thorax trituberculate; head horned. 7/20 Mass
histeroides S. Scaraboeus hisperoides Knock in Melsh) Dark cupreous; clyteus emarginate, antennae yellowish.
triangularis, L. Cupreous; head horned; thorax angulated; elytra striated & punctured.

Ateuchus Fab.
nigricornis. Black, minutely scabrous; clypeus 6-toothed incisure of the posterior tooth much less profound than that of the preceeding one, anterior tibia 3 toothed. 1/4
