Coleoptera Genera
Feronia, Lat. (Abax, Epomis, Chloenius and Dicelus, distinguished from this)
Abax, Bonell. Anterior tibia emarginate; antenna moniliform, elytra
entire, united; wings none; labium with the intermediate tooth
obtuse or truncated; thorax large; transversely quadrate; basal
angles each with two abbreviated striae; anterior tarsi of the
mail with three dilated joints.
Epomis, Bon.Lat. Anterior tibia emarginate; two anterior tarsi dilated in the
mail, and furnished beneath with dense, granuliform papillae, antenna
filiform; labrum entire; palpi with terminal joint dilated obtriangular
Chlaenius, Bon. Lat. Anterior tibia emarginate; two anterior tarsi dilated
in the mail, and furnished beneath with dense granuliform papillae
antennae filiform, joints elongated; labrum entire; palpi filiform.
Dicaelus, Bon. Lat. Anterior tibia emarginate, two anterior tarsi dilated
in the male and furnished beneath with dense, granuliform papillae
antennae filiform; labrum profoundly emarginate.
Panagaeus, Latr. Anterior tibia emarginate, elytra entire; exterior maxillary
and labial palpi with the terminal joint sub=securiform; tridentate,
middle tooth short; obtuse; tongue short; head small; labium much
wider at bone; neck distinct abrupt; thorax orbicular; abdomen
subquadrate; antennae filiform.
Calosoma, Weber. Anterior tibia entire elytra entire; exterior maxillary
and labial palpi with the terminal joint hardly longer than the
preceding joint; mandible unarmed robust, labum transverse bilobate;
labium profoundly emarginate and with a short acute tooth in the
middle; antennae, second joint one third as long as the following one
thorax transversal sub=oval; abdomen subquadrate.
Carabus Lin. Lat. Anterior tibia entire; exterior maxillary and labial
palpi, subtriangular, dilated; mandibles not elongated robust;
labrum very short, transverse, bilobate; labium profoundly emarginate
and with a central tooth; antennae 2 and joining half as long as the next
thorax subcordate emarginate behind; abdomen oval.
Nebria Lat. Anterior tibia and elytra entire; exterior maxillary and labial palpi with the
last joint elongated subcylindrical, the latter of equal joints; tongue
not longer than the labrum, and not tricuspidate at tip; labrum entire
labrum profoundly emarginate, and with an emarginate obtuse central
tooth; mandibles not dilated at base, thorax truncate obcordate;
abdomen oval depressed; antennae filiform.
Omophron, Lat. Tongue very short, antennae filiform; maxillae cilliated on
the exterior side; body short, nearly hemispherical; thorax trapezoidal
transverse, sinuated or lobed behind; anterior pair of tibia slightly em=
arginate on the inner side.
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