Letter from Robert Kennicott to Increase Allen Lapham, August 11th
Fish Commission
[*Written in 1858].
Racine Wis.
Aug. 11 (Tuesday)
Dear Mr. Lapham
The Messrs Ulke & I will be in Milwaukee tomorrow—we leave here on the noon train probably.
Yours always
R. Kennicott
Mrs. Hoy will go with us to your house tomorrow—she goes to Oshkosh tomorrow night.
[Editorial Note: This letter was written in 1858, not 1875 (by which time Robert Kennicott was no longer alive) - "Fish Commission" and the year "1875" were written in a different handwriting, but this letter was written regarding an August 1858 visit by Robert Kennicott and Henry Ulke to Increase Lapham, collecting insects in Wisconsin.]
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This letter was written in 1858, not 1875 (by which time Robert Kennicott was no longer alive) - "Fish Commission" and the year "1875" were written in a different handwriting, but this letter was written regarding an August 1858 visit by Robert Kennicott and Henry Ulke to Increase Lapham, collecting nsects in Wisconsin.