Letter from J.M.F (?) to Increase Allen Lapham, January 1st
Chicago, Jan. 1. 1873. 1029 Mich. av.
Ansd. Jan 13 -
My dear Dr. Lapham:
I have accepted conditionally, i.e. if weather & health concur, an invitation to address your academy on the 11th of February next, on the subject of our Antiquities, particularly in reference to Ethnology.
I hope to meet you on that occasion and visit your place & also Burlington. I let the good weather of the fall slip by, for I was engaged in a train of thought which I disliked to break off, then came the horse disease, then the Arctic breezes &c.
I sent you my paper on skulls. The full report will contain many more drawings. I don't believe that Preston's generalizations as to the unity of the ancient population of this hemisphere will stand. Your skulls disprove it.
Very truly,
J. W. F.
Dr. Lapham Milwaukee
[Dr. C.C. Parry]
Davenport Iowa Jany 7th 1873
[Ans 13th]
Dr I.A. Lapham
My Dear Sir, Yours of Jany 2d to hand. I am also obliged to you for copy of Wisconsin [illegible] Transactions which is a very creditable thing and I hope may be followed by others. A good thing to get public men interested in such matters. I wish we could do as much in [illegible] I have often wanted to ask you in regard to publication of Wisconsin Historical Society which has been published one, Vol 3. ? where can they be
[Left Side]
procured? I have just finished writing up a little historical sketch of the Upper Min. which may be published.
The plant enclosed in your letter is Thlaspi cochleariforma &c. including [T. Fendleri?] [??] it is quite variable growing both at high & low elevations. I have gathered in on the summit of [illegible] Peak over 14000 ft.
You must go to Colorado next time & take one of your daughters with you.
By the way, where have you found [Aspidium fraprans?] grow plentiful enough to gather 1000 sorts without injuring the locality?
Glad to hear from you often.
Yours truly
C. C. Parry
[Right Side] sent to D. S. Durrie for copy of Vol 4. 5 & 6 to be sent to Dr. P.
Dr. W.H. Leonard
Minneapolis Jan 12 1873 Dr. I A Lapham arr. 15th
Dear Sir I have been engaged the past year at what leisure I could spare in preparing a list of the plants of Minnesota for our Academy of Natural Science the Flora of this state has not been extensively observed from list in the hands of Prof [Minchell?] is the largest I have seen. Our Academy would like to publish in their forthcoming bulletin as good a list as might be possible I write to ask if I may use from list of course giving due credit In running over the list I judge I have not observed a half of what you have I shall
be able to add a [illegible] both plants & trees I will further enquire if you know of any one living in this state or elsewhere who has made observations since your list was made up I wish to confer with such if any I hope to do more in another year Here is a large field to work up Please advise me at your earliest convenience while I remain
Yours Sincerely
W.H. Leonard