Box 11, Folder 5: Correspondence January-April 1873



Letter from J.M.F (?) to Increase Allen Lapham, January 1st
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Letter from J.M.F (?) to Increase Allen Lapham, January 1st

Chicago, Jan. 1. 1873. 1029 Mich. av.

Ansd. Jan 13 -

My dear Dr. Lapham:

I have accepted conditionally, i.e. if weather & health concur, an invitation to address your academy on the 11th of February next, on the subject of our Antiquities, particularly in reference to Ethnology.

I hope to meet you on that occasion and visit your place & also Burlington. I let the good weather of the fall slip by, for I was engaged in a train of thought which I disliked to break off, then came the horse disease, then the Arctic breezes &c.

I sent you my paper on skulls. The full report will contain many more drawings. I don't believe that Preston's generalizations as to the unity of the ancient population of this hemisphere will stand. Your skulls disprove it.

Very truly,

J. W. F.

Dr. Lapham Milwaukee

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Kv_ava
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[Dr. C.C. Parry]

Davenport Iowa Jany 7th 1873

[Ans 13th]

Dr I.A. Lapham

My Dear Sir, Yours of Jany 2d to hand. I am also obliged to you for copy of Wisconsin [illegible] Transactions which is a very creditable thing and I hope may be followed by others. A good thing to get public men interested in such matters. I wish we could do as much in [illegible] I have often wanted to ask you in regard to publication of Wisconsin Historical Society which has been published one, Vol 3. ? where can they be

Last edit about 4 years ago by EricRoscoe
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[Left Side]

procured? I have just finished writing up a little historical sketch of the Upper Min. which may be published.

The plant enclosed in your letter is Thlaspi cochleariforma &c. including [T. Fendleri?] [??] it is quite variable growing both at high & low elevations. I have gathered in on the summit of [illegible] Peak over 14000 ft.

You must go to Colorado next time & take one of your daughters with you.

By the way, where have you found [Aspidium fraprans?] grow plentiful enough to gather 1000 sorts without injuring the locality?

Glad to hear from you often.

Yours truly

C. C. Parry

[Right Side] sent to D. S. Durrie for copy of Vol 4. 5 & 6 to be sent to Dr. P.

Last edit about 4 years ago by EricRoscoe
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Dr. W.H. Leonard

Minneapolis Jan 12 1873 Dr. I A Lapham arr. 15th

Dear Sir I have been engaged the past year at what leisure I could spare in preparing a list of the plants of Minnesota for our Academy of Natural Science the Flora of this state has not been extensively observed from list in the hands of Prof [Minchell?] is the largest I have seen. Our Academy would like to publish in their forthcoming bulletin as good a list as might be possible I write to ask if I may use from list of course giving due credit In running over the list I judge I have not observed a half of what you have I shall

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp
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be able to add a [illegible] both plants & trees I will further enquire if you know of any one living in this state or elsewhere who has made observations since your list was made up I wish to confer with such if any I hope to do more in another year Here is a large field to work up Please advise me at your earliest convenience while I remain

Yours Sincerely

W.H. Leonard

Last edit about 4 years ago by EricRoscoe
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