p. 8 and 9




Status: Complete


Shippingsport Ky.

Darius who remains on the Welland Canal - we are now
living in the village Shippingport two miles from

23rd Feb. Left school & commenced [devoting?] my whole time
to the canal -

6th Oct - Commenced Keeping this Diary regularly. Went
to Louisville - In the afternoon I went to Indiana shooting.
Saw a cave but it could not be entered.

8th Went to Louisville & bought some books at an auction

9th Went up to Louisville to get the books.

12th Carried the Engineer's Reports up to the canal company's
office in Louisville

13th [Judge?] Bates arrived

16th He took levels on nearly the whole length of the canal

19th Carried the Engineer's Report to Louisville - gave it to Judge
Bates, received $20 for [John?] Bates - bought a pen-knife

20th Went to Louisville to see Judge Bates

22nd A rainy day

23rd Judge Bates left here for Cincinnatti - I have received of
him $ 170 being the amount of my wages up to this
date - In August last one John R Henry came
here from Rochester N.Y. employed by Judge Bates as
Engineer instead of John Bates - he now takes that
duty upon himself & John is going to Ohio.
Sent a letter to Darius giving a description of a high
pressure steam Engine.

26th Mr Henry made his office in a room in our house

28th Sunday - Went over to New Albany with John Bates & J.C. Brown
to see the "boiling-spring" [?].

1st November. Read a letter from Darius which says that he
has been sick 3 weeks - but has now recovered.


Dec. 1827

3rd November. Worked on the canal all day

13th Sent a Notice of the Louisville & Portland Canal and the
Geology of the Vicinity to Prof. Silliman for publication in
his journal of science.

21st Copied a letter for Mr Henry, & then went up the canal
to see some experiments with a machine invented
by Oliver Phelps, on the Welland Canal for drawing up
carts in deep cutting

22nd. Went up the canal in the morning - Spent the rest of
the day in reading.

23rd Went up the canal to ascertain the number of men for
Mr Henrys report - In the afternoon I went a hunting &
killed a rabbit & two wood-peckers.

24th Worked on the lock

25th - Sunday - Stayed in my room.

26th Spent my time reading

27th In the forenoon I went in search of a cow who did not
come home as usual - Worked ont he canal after noon.

28 - Mr Geo. S. [Rhis?], an engineer, late of the Chesapeake
& Dellaware canal invited us to-day.

[strike 1st December]

30th Assisted in making the estimate in the fore noon
and in the afternoon I took it to Louisville

1st December - Spent the greater part of my time in reading

2nd - Sunday - Took a walk in the woods with father in
search of cherry tree (wild) bark which we want for medicine -

3rd Went for the cow - & then worked on the lock -

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