Box 1, Folder 3: Lapham's Collections



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[First?] description of shells in the collection of Increase A. Lapham 1827 Shippingsport- Ky-

Last edit almost 5 years ago by TaylorStyes
p. 1
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Conchology. of the U. States 1827

Genus. Helix. [Specii?] 6. thyroidus. Shell thin. fragile, convex, umbelicate; whorls five, obtusely wrinkled, or rather with equidistant generally elevated, obtuse lined, spirally striate with minute impressed lines; lip widely reflected, white and flat before, partially concealing the umbellicus; pillar lip furnished with a very oblique tooth. Breadth from 4/5 to 9/10 of an inch (Journal Academia of Natural Sciences Vol1 p123.) This species very much resembles H. Albolabris, but is umbelicated, and toothed on the pillar lip. It is much less common. It is referable to the genus Cepolis. [Montf.?]

H. minutia. Shell rather thick; spire convex, little elevated, with 3 volutions;

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Wisconsin Historical Society
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suture well defined, impressed; whorls obtusely wrinkled across; aperture nearly orbcular; lip much thickened, reflected, white distant from the umbelicus; umbilicur large, exhibiting the volutions. Breadth less than 1/10 of an inch. (Journal A.N.S. vol 1. p124.)

Found under the bark of a decaying oak; it is readily distinguishable from other species by its small rise and conspicu ous lip. It is a true Helix

8 H. labyrinthica, shell conic, dark reddish brown, body lighter; whorls 5 [illegible] 6, with conspicuous, elevated, equi-dista [illegible] obtuse lines across, forming grooves between them; apex obtuse; lip refle [illegible] rounded; pillar lip with a large, lamelliform

Last edit almost 5 years ago by LML
p. 3
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elongated tooth, which appears to revolve within the shell parallel to the suture, a smaller raised line revolves nearer to the base within the shell, but becomes obsolete before it arrives at the pillar lip; umbilicus rather large. Breadth 1/10 of an inch — (Journal A.N.S. vol 1. p124)

Found on fungus in decaying wood: this shell is remarkable for the two much elevated line, which revolve withing the shell upon the penultimate whorl, the upper one larger, and terminating at the aperture very con= spicuously, and resembling a tooth

9. [H?]. hirsuta Shell sub globose, brownish, imperforated, covered with short numerous, rigid hairs; whorls 5,

Last edit almost 5 years ago by LML
p. 4
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but little rounded; suture distinct; aperture very nar= row, almost closed by an elongated, lamelliform tooth, situated on the pillar-lip, and circularly joined to the outer-lip at the base. Outer-lip reflected back upon the whorl, and incorporated with it near the base, with deep sinus in the middle. Breadth 1/2 of an inch (Sister. tab. 93, f. 94?)

Inhabits moist places.

This species appears to be somewhat allied to the H. hispida, but is sufficiently distinct. Found by Mr Gardner Vanux [illegible] It approaches the genus Caprinus Montf. but differs differs in having the lips disunited above

10. H. perspectiva. Shell very much depressed, with about 6 whorls; whorls striated across, with

Last edit almost 5 years ago by LML
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