Box 1, Folder 11: List



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1848 to 1867

Memoranda from my note Books

1850-51 [written in pencil 1848 to 1867]

Marble at Bear Creek & in T.10 R.3 East

Iron pyrites - Beautiful specimens at Potosi & Beetown

Tufa 7 miles below Falls of St Croix, used to make lime.

Red Clay - varigated [variegated] with white on Sec 12 J 6 R 7 E [East].

A mastodon tooth found 1 mile north of Palmyra Jefferson Co. & sent east, many years ago.

Orthocoralite 4 1/2 ft long found at Cottage Grove Dane Co. In Cabinet of State University Feb 1851


[pen sketch 1] Natural Mound on Sec 32 - J12 R15 E [East] Burnett - Rolling Pr.

[pen sketch 2] Sloughs at head of Lake Winnebago near Menasha separated by sand-ridges. June 1851

July 1 Sounding Silver Lake (town of Summit) from N to South 11ft, 22 1/2, 7 1/2, 11 - 27 - 38 -

Lake Beaches at Two rivers [pen sketch 3, measurements above water]

The first ridge 10 ft high is composed of numerous rounded hillocks but forming a continuous ridge; between it & the next the ground is wet in some places - All composed of fine white sand. Town stands on a sandy plain, 15 or 20 feet above water, based upon red clay with gravel pebbles. Sandy also some distance back from the the Lake

Last edit about 4 years ago by hssonntag
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Memo --


R.W Wrights well -- Waukesha

Soil 1 1/2 feet

Hardpan 1 1/2 making 3

Gravel, small pebbles 1 making 4

Sand 1 making 5

Large pebbles & sand 4 making 9

Gravel cemented by clay, very hard 10 making 19

Sand & some water 1 making 20

Reddish clay & pebbles 5 " 25 - In this found fossil wood, a log 6oz 8 inches diam, lying down; also a root with bark

Sand & pebbles 7 - 32 to solid limestone

Well situated on the hill near Carrol College Limestone found near this well at 20 feet

A similar well on SW1/4 34-5-19 E - afforded wood at depth of 19 feet, supposed to be tamarac

Sulphur Ch Bracken's mire 60 feet below surface

Cubical crystals of lead coaed with lime - at Min Pt. [Mineral Point]

Notes about Mineral Point, list of fossils & see notebook 1851-2


Jaw of a Mastodon at Vinegar Hill 5 miles north of Galena Ill [Illinois].

Wood 26 feet below surface Set 23 T23 R21 E two cedar trees - clay on gravel


Limestone on School section, town of Fullon 16 - 4 - 12. E

Rocks dip E & W from Sugar river (W of Madison)

Cave on NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec 5 T6 R8 E

White sandstone near Haneys sec 11-7-7 E -- also near west end of 4th lake

Boulder drift boundary near East side of Cross Plaines [Cross Plains]

Sandstone above limestone Sec 28 T8 R10 E

Limestone on Sec 5 & 3 T8 R11 Sun Pr [Sun Prairie]

Last edit about 4 years ago by hssonntag
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Marble at Cooperstown 9 miles from Lake Shae [Shea] Manitowoc Co.


Iron Ridge, Harlford &

[pencil sketch] 1849 E End of Division St Milwaukee

Watertown on Galena Limestone

Mill at Lowell stands on Yellow Limestone - Blue Limestone below mill

Sandstone first foun (going west) on Sec 27 T11 R 11 E

Dells of Wisconsin &c Illustrator! Also 1866 Nov 27

Devils Lake

Limestone at Grave's 12-7-9 E with quartz - Diluvial scratchs N + S

Sec 33-7-11 E a well dug in solf sandston, red, white + yellow

Limestone 1 m East - center of sec 34-7-11 resting on sandstone - junction conspicuous - friends &c same as at Janesville

Limestone on Ripley Lake 17-6-13 E + at Clinton

On Sec 11-6-13 a well 50 ft deep struck rock at 35 first 3 ft yellow limestone then 12 ft Blue Limestone with layer of shall - fossils &c as at Cincinnati O. [Ohio]

On Sec 11-5-14 found "Cocmopora ^Galena Limestone"

Last edit about 4 years ago by hssonntag
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Coal? 80 rods S. of Rocky Run P.O. NW of 'NE 1/4 Sec 8-11-10 E- Columbia Co - Louisville 98 feet below the surface (see book 1865 *)

Buffalo Skull found by E.M. Wiliamson in Green County in 1843

April 1862

Melvus' Arlenian Well Walker Point 130 feet deep being - 116 below level of Lake Mich - water rises 4 or 5 ft above lake level - Hard blue clay all the way.

Cubic crystals of lead at Crow Branch Mine, Clifton -


Visited Blue Mounds (see book)

also Mazomanie

also Marble in Sauk Co.


Drift south of Milwaukee * Sand 20 feet - Limestone 75 ft Sandstone 25ft coal! 3 ft - Sandstone 10 ft - found water.

[pen sketch of map] Granite boulder with veins showing 3 different ages! near Madison 1866-7

[pen sketch of map pinned to page] Veins of 3 ages in a Granite Boulder Madison June 20, 1867

Last edit about 4 years ago by hssonntag
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Iron Ore on a ridge running S.W. near (1 1/2 miles from) Rib river.

[left side]

Metallic iron-43.13



Silicate of lime, alumina, & Quartz-40.44/100

[right side]

On Sec. 24-29-5 E

On summit of a high ridge 1 1/2 miles wide 12 miles west of Wausau

Quartzite of "Hills Settlement" Sauk Co. & Confederate

do [ditto, ie. Quartzite] at falls west of Jacob Rivers & Sandstone

Last edit about 4 years ago by hssonntag
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