List of Societies of Which I am a Member
12 List of Societies of which I am a member.
I. A. Lapham L.L.D.
1842: American Association for the Advancement of Science, Member. April 25, 1842 (Boston Meeting). 1846: Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, Copenhagen Denmark, Member 1846. 1851: Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Member February 10, 1851. 1853: New York Lyceum of Natural History, Corresponding Member, January 1853. 1853: American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Member Feby 10, 1851. 1854: Wisconsin Agricultural Society, Life Member, April 27, 1853. 1856: Wisconsin State Historical Society, Life Member, Jany 1, 1856. 1856: Chicago Historical Society, Corresponding Member, June 20 1856. 1857: Academy of Science of St. Louis, Corresponding Member, Feby 9, 1857. 1857: Iowa State Historical Society, Corresponding Member, March 23, 1857. 1857: Chicago Academy of Sciences, Original member and one of the founders, 1857. 1858: American Ethnological Society, New York, Corresponding member, June 8th, 1858. 1860: California Academy of Natural Sciences, Corresponding member, July 18, 1860. 1860: Title of L.L.D. conferred by Amherst College, Aug, 1860. 1860: New England Historic and Genealogical Society, Corresponding member, November 7, 1860. Now honorary vice president.
List of Societies of Which I am a Member
1861: Natural History Society of Wisconsin (German) Milwaukee, Honorary member, Aug 14, 1861. 1862: Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Corresponding member, Apr 3, 1862. 1863: The Upper Mississippi Historical Society, Corresponding member, Oct 23, 1863. 1866: Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, Corresponding member, Oct 23, 1866. 1867: American Geographical Society, New York, Corresponding Member, 1867. 1870: Wisconsin Academy of Science, Art, and Letters, Life member, March 1, 1870. 1870: Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Corresponding member, May 14, 1870. 1874: Life member of same. August 17, 1874. 1871: Oshkosh Horticultural Society, Corresponding member, Jany, 1871. 1871: Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, Corresponding member, April 4, 1871. 1872 (or 1871): Chicago Astronomical Society, Life member, 1872. 1874: American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, member, Jany 16, 1874. 1874: American Electrical Society, Chicago, member. 1874: American Iron & Steel Association, Philadelphia. 1868: Davenport Academy of Natural Science. 1868: Iowa Institute of Arts & Science, Dubuque, Honorary member.
List of Papers by I.A. Lapham With Their Date and Place of Publication
List of Papers [illegible] by I A Lapham with their date and place of publication.
1828: Notice of the Louisville and Shippingsport Canal, and of the Geology of the Vicinity, Silliman's American Journal of Science Vol. 14 p. 65, 1828 with maps and illustrations. 1832: Facts and Observations respecting the Primitive Boulders of Ohio, by Darius and Increase A. Lapham, Silliman's American Journal of Science, vol. 22 p. 300 1832. 1836: Miscellaneous Observations on the Geology of Ohio, State Documents of Ohio 1837 page 31. 1838: Catalogue of Plants and Shells Found in the Vicinity of Milwaukee, Printed at the Advertiser Office Milwaukee, 1838. 1840: Documentary History of the Milwaukee & Rock River Canal, Milwaukee, 1840. 1844: Statement of Elevations in Wisconsin, Silliman's American Journal of Science, vol. 46 p. 258, 1844. 1850: Catalogue of the Plants of Wisconsin, Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Science, Cambridge, 1850 p. 19. [entry is crossed out] 1845: Map of the City of Milwaukee, 1845, Republished with additions in 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1869. 1844: Wisconsin: A Geographical & Topographical Description of Wisconsin; with brief sketches of its history, geology, mineralogy, natural history, population, soil, productions, government, antiquities, etc., Milwaukee, published by P.C. Hale, 1844.
List of Papers by I.A. Lapham With Their Date and Place of Publication
1846: Wisconsin: Its Geography and Topography, History, etc. (being a 2nd edition of the above), Milwaukee, 1846. 1847: On the Existence of Certain Lacustrine Deposits in the Vicinity of the Great Lakes, usually confounded with the 'drift', Silliman's American Journal of Science, 2nd series, vol. 3, p. 90, 1847. 1848: Communication to Governor Dewey on the Subject of a State Penitentiary, State Documents, 1848. 1848: Map of the State of Wisconsin on a scale of ten miles to an inch, published by Silas Chapman, 1848. 1849: Map of the State of Wisconsin, scale six miles to an inch, 1849. Republished in 1850, 1853, 1854,& 1857. 1850: Catalogue of the Plants of Wisconsin, Proceedings of the American Association for Advancement of Science, Cambridge 1850, p. 19. 1851: Geological Formations in Wisconsin, Transactions of the Wisconsin Agricultural Society, vol. 1 p. 122, 1851. 1851: On the Geology of Southeastern Wisconsin, being the part not surveyed by the United States Geologists, published in Forter & Whitney Report on the Geology of Lake Superior, Part 2 page 167. 1851: Meteorological Observations, Transactions of the Wisconsin Agricultural Society, vol 1 p. 306, 1851: Also in vol 2 p. 449 1852; also in the American Almanac 1852 p 102 and subsequently; also in Smithsonian Publications of Agricultural Department, Washington; Report of the Regents of the University of New York etc. etc.
List of Papers by I.A. Lapham With Their Date and Place of Publication
1852: Fauna and Flora of Wisconsin, Transactions of the Wisconsin Agricultural Society, vol. 2 pp 337-419, 1852 1853: The Grasses of Wisconsin, Transactions of the Wisconsin Agricultural Society, vol. 3 pp 397-488 with 12 plates, 1853. 1855: A Geological Map of Wisconsin, Published by J.H. Cotton & Co. NY, Scale 26 miles to an inch. 1855: The Forest Trees of Wisconsin, Transactions of the Wisconsin Agricultural Society, vol 4 pp 195, 251, 1854. 1855: The Antiquities of Wisconsin as Surveyed and Described by I.A. Lapham, Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 95 pages and 55 plates, quarto 1855. 1856: Catalogue of the Plants of the State of Illinois, Transactions of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, vol 2 p 492. 1856: The Native Naturalised and Cultivated Grasses of the State of Illinois, Transactions of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, vol. 2 p. 551. 1857: On the Public Land Surveys and the Lattitude and Longitude of Places in Wisconsin, Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol 3 p 359, 1857. 1857: On the Man Shaped Mounds of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. 3 p. 365, 1857 with figures. 1859: The Penokee Iron Range, Transactions of the Wisconsin Agricultural Society, vol. 5 p. 391 1859, with a map. 1865: Map of Wisconsin, Prepared for the Legislative Manual, scale 36 miles to the inch, 1865, republished every year since 1865-1875. 1866: Address before the Wisconsin State Historical Society at Dedication of Rooms, Legislative Pamphlet, 1866. 1864: Lapham Family: A Sheet of Family Records